08:39 RT from Keitai Web
Oil giant #BP says safety will be "absolute priority" following consent for deep-water well west of Shetland Islands bbc.in/GJ1R2X
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
09:01 from Keitai Web
21:31 RT from Keitai Web
愛子さまインフルエンザの症状 tinyurl.com/778fu43
(共同通信ニュース NEWSmartさんのツイート)
21:33 RT from Keitai Web
President Medvedev's office has confirmed that he will meet Kofi Annan in Moscow on Sunday as part of Mr Annan's Syrian peace negotiations
(Daniel Sandfordさんのツイート)
21:42 RT from Keitai Web
News channel CNN granted Finnish terrestrial TV permit: The American-based international news channel CNN will s... bit.ly/GMHfTy
(YLE Newsさんのツイート)
21:55 RT from Keitai Web
EU Naval Force off #Somalia announces its extending operations to coast + inland waters, likely to strike #pirates equipment on land.
(Frank Gardnerさんのツイート)
21:56 RT from Keitai Web
奄美大島沖 転覆した漁船発見 nhk.jp/N40k5qTp #nhk_news
21:59 RT from Keitai Web
Japan orders missile defence to be prepared in response to North Korea's planned rocket launch bbc.in/GIyPTQ
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
22:10 RT from Keitai Web
関西電力、春も節電要請 冬場フル稼働した施設の点検で t.asahi.com/606e
22:13 RT from Keitai Web
【河北新報】東北大災害科学国際研、平川所長に聞く kahoku.co.jp/news/2012/03/2… 「災害への対応策を考えるには、多くの側面からの研究が必要。研究者が互いに研究内容を持ち寄り、アイデアを出し合うことで、共同研究の新しい視点が生まれればいい」
by hyperwizard on Twitter
Oil giant #BP says safety will be "absolute priority" following consent for deep-water well west of Shetland Islands bbc.in/GJ1R2X
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
09:01 from Keitai Web
21:31 RT from Keitai Web
愛子さまインフルエンザの症状 tinyurl.com/778fu43
(共同通信ニュース NEWSmartさんのツイート)
21:33 RT from Keitai Web
President Medvedev's office has confirmed that he will meet Kofi Annan in Moscow on Sunday as part of Mr Annan's Syrian peace negotiations
(Daniel Sandfordさんのツイート)
21:42 RT from Keitai Web
News channel CNN granted Finnish terrestrial TV permit: The American-based international news channel CNN will s... bit.ly/GMHfTy
(YLE Newsさんのツイート)
21:55 RT from Keitai Web
EU Naval Force off #Somalia announces its extending operations to coast + inland waters, likely to strike #pirates equipment on land.
(Frank Gardnerさんのツイート)
21:56 RT from Keitai Web
奄美大島沖 転覆した漁船発見 nhk.jp/N40k5qTp #nhk_news
21:59 RT from Keitai Web
Japan orders missile defence to be prepared in response to North Korea's planned rocket launch bbc.in/GIyPTQ
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
22:10 RT from Keitai Web
関西電力、春も節電要請 冬場フル稼働した施設の点検で t.asahi.com/606e
22:13 RT from Keitai Web
【河北新報】東北大災害科学国際研、平川所長に聞く kahoku.co.jp/news/2012/03/2… 「災害への対応策を考えるには、多くの側面からの研究が必要。研究者が互いに研究内容を持ち寄り、アイデアを出し合うことで、共同研究の新しい視点が生まれればいい」
by hyperwizard on Twitter