10:35 RT from Keitai Web [ 6 RT ]
Senators from car states ask Obama to keep Japan out of TPP negotiations - ow.ly/cp04g
(The Japan Times さんのツイート)
15:43 RT from Keitai Web [ 17 RT ]
Blast rocks Egypt's gas pipeline to Israel, Jordan bit.ly/QmgoYk
(Jerusalem Post Newsさんのツイート)
by hyperwizard on Twitter
Senators from car states ask Obama to keep Japan out of TPP negotiations - ow.ly/cp04g
(The Japan Times さんのツイート)
15:43 RT from Keitai Web [ 17 RT ]
Blast rocks Egypt's gas pipeline to Israel, Jordan bit.ly/QmgoYk
(Jerusalem Post Newsさんのツイート)
by hyperwizard on Twitter