


2011-07-24 01:06:20 | Weblog
09:20 from Keitai Web
RT @Reuters_Biz: Wall Street, companies brace for the worst: a U.S. default http://reut.rs/oytsOa
09:37 from Keitai Web
RT @mainichijpnews: ノルウェー同時テロ:銃乱射、10人死亡 首都近郊の島で http://bit.ly/qgtZkq
09:42 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCWorld: Police in Norway have confirmed 10 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at a youth camp near #Oslo http://bbc.in/o ...
09:59 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 関西電力へ中国電力から融通 http://nhk.jp/N3wo62fq #nhk_news
10:00 from Keitai Web
RT @nhk_news: 北電 本州への供給見直し検討 http://nhk.jp/N3wo62fU #nhk_news
15:59 from Keitai Web
RT @DailyYomiuri: Negative effects of the cesium-contaminted beef fiasco have spread across Japan's meat industry. http://t.co/ynXpg4Y
16:00 from Keitai Web
RT @htTweets: Norway police tighten security at potential target sites http://t.co/xaX13Bs #oslo #norway #ht
16:09 from Keitai Web
RT @newsreuters: 欧州大手銀のギリシャ国債に絡む損失、予想下回る規模に:  [ロンドン 22日 ロイター] ユーロ圏首脳が合意したギリシャ追加金融支援をめぐり、ギリシャを除く欧州主要銀行は、損失額を54億ユーロ(77億ドル)に抑えた。ギリシャ... htt ...
16:37 from Keitai Web
16:43 from Keitai Web
RT @asahi_world_r: 南北朝鮮外相、非公式に接触 4年ぶり、融和ムード演出 http://t.asahi.com/3bdp
16:44 from Keitai Web
RT @BBCr4today: CORRECTION: 84 confirmed dead in #Norway gun attack, 7 confirmed dead in Oslo bomb, 9 seriously injured, say Norwegian p ...
by hyperwizard on Twitter

