12:39 RT from Keitai Web
(Motohiro SAKAKIさんのツイート)
16:19 RT from Keitai Web
Here's the press release. Austria, France and UK put on negative outlook. 6 other countries downgraded (none AAA) moodys.com/research/Moody…
(Stephanie Flandersさんのツイート)
17:32 RT from Keitai Web
ということで(?)、一足お先にジュリスト4月号のご案内。特集は、超豪華執筆陣による会社法改正中間試案の考察。必読です。巻頭のTOP RUNNERは落合誠一先生。第179回国会の概観も掲載予定です!
17:38 from Keitai Web
19:05 RT from Keitai Web
Huge cyclone batters Madagascar bbc.in/xxuFri
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
19:07 RT from Keitai Web
#China's TV broadcasting regulator announces foreign TV shows will no longer be aired during prime timehttp://bbc.in/ADoh7B
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
by hyperwizard on Twitter
(Motohiro SAKAKIさんのツイート)
16:19 RT from Keitai Web
Here's the press release. Austria, France and UK put on negative outlook. 6 other countries downgraded (none AAA) moodys.com/research/Moody…
(Stephanie Flandersさんのツイート)
17:32 RT from Keitai Web
ということで(?)、一足お先にジュリスト4月号のご案内。特集は、超豪華執筆陣による会社法改正中間試案の考察。必読です。巻頭のTOP RUNNERは落合誠一先生。第179回国会の概観も掲載予定です!
17:38 from Keitai Web
19:05 RT from Keitai Web
Huge cyclone batters Madagascar bbc.in/xxuFri
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
19:07 RT from Keitai Web
#China's TV broadcasting regulator announces foreign TV shows will no longer be aired during prime timehttp://bbc.in/ADoh7B
(BBC News (World)さんのツイート)
by hyperwizard on Twitter