06:12 from API
RT @japanobserver: Trouble delayed cold shutdown of Hamaoka nuclear reactor http://bit.ly/jM3ms4
08:43 from API
RT @kamatatylaw: 加藤雅信「民法(債権法)改正-民法典はどこにいくのか」ゲット。なかなか凄まじい本だね。法務省民事局の人員確保と権限回復が債権法改悪の目的であることを論証してる(p153-)
08:57 from Keitai Web
@hyperwizard 結局洛陽の紙価を高める債権法改正になるかどうか動向を精査しないと。日本法律家協会さま @tamai1961
09:04 from Keitai Web
20:48 from API
RT @BBCWorld: ICC Chief Prosecutor confirms he's requested an arrest warrant for Colonel #Gaddafi and his son Saif for crimes against hu ...
20:48 from API
RT @BBCWorld: Prime Minister says 'there will be no privatisation' of the #NHS and there will be 'greater choice' for patients
20:56 from API
RT @nikkeionline: 福島2、3号機も「燃料の大半溶融」前提に冷却 http://s.nikkei.com/lkkVXY
21:08 from Keitai Web
by hyperwizard on Twitter
RT @japanobserver: Trouble delayed cold shutdown of Hamaoka nuclear reactor http://bit.ly/jM3ms4
08:43 from API
RT @kamatatylaw: 加藤雅信「民法(債権法)改正-民法典はどこにいくのか」ゲット。なかなか凄まじい本だね。法務省民事局の人員確保と権限回復が債権法改悪の目的であることを論証してる(p153-)
08:57 from Keitai Web
@hyperwizard 結局洛陽の紙価を高める債権法改正になるかどうか動向を精査しないと。日本法律家協会さま @tamai1961
09:04 from Keitai Web
20:48 from API
RT @BBCWorld: ICC Chief Prosecutor confirms he's requested an arrest warrant for Colonel #Gaddafi and his son Saif for crimes against hu ...
20:48 from API
RT @BBCWorld: Prime Minister says 'there will be no privatisation' of the #NHS and there will be 'greater choice' for patients
20:56 from API
RT @nikkeionline: 福島2、3号機も「燃料の大半溶融」前提に冷却 http://s.nikkei.com/lkkVXY
21:08 from Keitai Web
by hyperwizard on Twitter