20:31 from API
RT @BBCWorld: Pakistan police say two grenades thrown at Saudi consulate in Karachi, no reported injuries, from Reuters
20:32 from API
RT @BBCWorld: HSBC planning huge cost-cutting http://bbc.in/mP3i8O
20:39 from API
RT @inwnews: Jerusalem Post:
Nazi war criminal escapes extradition to Netherlands
20:41 from API
RT @inwnews: Jerusalem Post:
Israel to invest millions in real-time satellite capacity
http://is.gd/ydPmdF #Israel
20:44 from API
RT @kankimura: @sugawarataku 今回のはどう考えても、外務省すっ飛ばした、官邸発の交渉でしょうね。首脳会談を直後に控えた段階で、事務方がトラブルを望む筈がないですからね。間違いなく、つまらない入れ知恵をした、相手国のメディアの報道も見た事のないよ ...
20:56 from API
RT @BBCWorld: UN Sudan force attacked in Abyei http://bbc.in/mCaugH
21:11 from API
RT @ylenews: Forest Industry Dispute Escalates: Clerical staff working for forest giant UPM in Tampere and Valkeakoski have g... http:// ...
21:12 from API
RT @ylenews: Tensions Mount in Paper Industry Dispute: Employees at the Kirkiniemi factory of forest products company Sappi F... http:// ...
21:14 from API
RT @nhk_news: 災害時の携帯 通話対策検討へ http://nhk.jp/N3vd6dqJ #nhk_news
by hyperwizard on Twitter
RT @BBCWorld: Pakistan police say two grenades thrown at Saudi consulate in Karachi, no reported injuries, from Reuters
20:32 from API
RT @BBCWorld: HSBC planning huge cost-cutting http://bbc.in/mP3i8O
20:39 from API
RT @inwnews: Jerusalem Post:
Nazi war criminal escapes extradition to Netherlands
20:41 from API
RT @inwnews: Jerusalem Post:
Israel to invest millions in real-time satellite capacity
http://is.gd/ydPmdF #Israel
20:44 from API
RT @kankimura: @sugawarataku 今回のはどう考えても、外務省すっ飛ばした、官邸発の交渉でしょうね。首脳会談を直後に控えた段階で、事務方がトラブルを望む筈がないですからね。間違いなく、つまらない入れ知恵をした、相手国のメディアの報道も見た事のないよ ...
20:56 from API
RT @BBCWorld: UN Sudan force attacked in Abyei http://bbc.in/mCaugH
21:11 from API
RT @ylenews: Forest Industry Dispute Escalates: Clerical staff working for forest giant UPM in Tampere and Valkeakoski have g... http:// ...
21:12 from API
RT @ylenews: Tensions Mount in Paper Industry Dispute: Employees at the Kirkiniemi factory of forest products company Sappi F... http:// ...
21:14 from API
RT @nhk_news: 災害時の携帯 通話対策検討へ http://nhk.jp/N3vd6dqJ #nhk_news
by hyperwizard on Twitter