


2011-05-25 01:07:23 | Weblog
08:35 from API
RT @BBCWorld: Dutch airline KLM has suspended six flights to northern Britain due to shifting plume of ash from Iceland, AFP reports #as ...
08:36 from API
RT @BBCWorld: Reuters: Syrian foreign minister says EU sanctions will hurt European interests: 'Syria won't remain silent about this mea ...
19:55 from API
RT @BBCWorld: More than 250 flights now cancelled because of ash cloud, European air traffic controllers say #ashcloud
19:55 from API
RT @nikkeionline: 農地の除染技術確立へ福島で検証実験 農水省、28日から http://s.nikkei.com/jbSpcJ
19:58 from API
RT @BBCNews: US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greeted by Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace #ob ...
20:05 from Keitai Web
intentional spreading tweets for EU are better from 16 to 21 jst.or from 3 to 5 JST.
20:15 from Keitai Web (Re: @hyperwizard
@hyperwizard 子の返還手続きと国内法に基づいた親権に関する訴訟が競合するといずれに中断の効果を生じる等細部は法制審に「まるなげ」かな。
23:02 from web
RT @BBCWorld: US imposing sanctions on Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA for links with Iran - from Reuters
by hyperwizard on Twitter

