07:31 from API
RT @tweetminster: #Japan nuclear plant operator TEPCO says leakage of high-level radioactive water has been stopped - Reuters
08:13 from API
RT @hatsuru: 原賠法と一般不法行為って,どういう関係なんだろーか。特別法が一般法の適用を排除するのか,両者ともに成立するのか。
08:32 from API
RT @japantimes: Nuclear crisis man-made, not 'an act of god': experts; government, Tepco blamed for failure to prepare for tsunami http: ...
08:33 from API
RT @japantimes: "The Fukushima No. 1 plant crisis was not caused by tsunami, but by lack of multiple safeguards" http://ow.ly/4tEEo
by hyperwizard on Twitter
RT @tweetminster: #Japan nuclear plant operator TEPCO says leakage of high-level radioactive water has been stopped - Reuters
08:13 from API
RT @hatsuru: 原賠法と一般不法行為って,どういう関係なんだろーか。特別法が一般法の適用を排除するのか,両者ともに成立するのか。
08:32 from API
RT @japantimes: Nuclear crisis man-made, not 'an act of god': experts; government, Tepco blamed for failure to prepare for tsunami http: ...
08:33 from API
RT @japantimes: "The Fukushima No. 1 plant crisis was not caused by tsunami, but by lack of multiple safeguards" http://ow.ly/4tEEo
by hyperwizard on Twitter