the Saber Panther (サーベル・パンサー)


ユーラシア・ホラアナライオン Eurasian Cave Lion

2008年07月14日 | ネコ科猛獣の話

wt. 300kg

ユーラシア・ホラアナライオン  Panthera spelaea

''We know, thanks to the representation of this species by early
modern humans, that
the cave lions  did not display the typical
male coat of the African lions, although they did bear the tuft at
the end of  the tail
. They probably looked much more like a female
lion, but
with a denser and thicker coat(especially in the neck
region) and with shorter and more robust limbs
Jordi Agusti

 "This massive predator appeared more like a mix between a lion
and a tiger with very robust features.
  Prehistoric art gives us a
rare glimpse of what these creatures looked like when alive. 
Eurasian Cave Lion had protruding ears, little to no mane, faint
tiger-like stripes and a tufted tail.
The World Museum of Man

(貴重なユーラシア・ホラアナライオンの全身骨格  ねこの博物館


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