Hello! Today I’d like to introduce about my question and solve.
The first Question is “Fan”. When you were a child, did you talk and playing to a fan? I assume probably everyone has this experience. Then most people said, “We are alien.” Isn’t it? In my case I was so. Therefore, I was wondering about how about Canadian and I asked to Canadian friend. She answered she doesn’t know other people but in her case, it was “I’m super man!”. Actually super man who has trembling voice is interesting!
Second, it is test writing of pen in the book store. In my case I tried to write “あ” ,“あいうえお” or my name. Also, when I was a child, I wrote an umbrella of love. In other hand, test writing downtown bookstore has “love” and university of bookstore has just line. That’s so adult.
二つ目は文房具屋にあるペンの試し書きの紙です。わたしの場合 "あ"や、"あいうえお"と試し書きすることが多かったり自分の名前の漢字を書いたりしていました。また小学生のころはよく相合傘など書いていましたがカナダではというダウンタウンの文房具屋は"love"という文字が多く、大学の本屋はただのグルグルが多かったです。
Next, I didn’t understand about the graves. I’ve never seen the graves in Vancouver for 8 months! In Victoria I’ve seen once but I’ve never seen since then. So, I asked to American who is kind of my teacher said, “Because U.S. and Canada are big.”, I was really convinced! Japan and Victoria don’t have large area. So, it is not strange that we can find the graves soon in these areas. And I’m going to post the blog about graves etc next time if you interested, please visit it.
Today final exam was finished! So, a little bit long weekend will come from the day after tomorrow. But I don’t have any big plan… so, I’m guessing that I am going to do study English and volunteer. My friends are going to go U.S. but my friend of Iranian and I are stay in Vancouver💧 actually, school’s rule and country’s regulation are different.
テストも無事に終わり明後日からは少し長い休暇が始まります!特に大きな予定もないのでボランティアや英語の勉強に励もうと思います。アメリカに行く友達も多く、私とイラン人の友達はお留守番です💧 学校と国では規則の大きさが違いますが…
Thank you for reading! See you next time and have a nice day!