We sent two writers and two photographers on the Global Ministry Tour with President Nelson and Elder Holland. Here… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
— LDS Church News (@LDSChurchNews) 2018年5月10日 - 08:17
WATCH: BYU AdLab lets Book of Mormon 'speak for itself' in social experiment: ldschurchnews.com/global/2018-05…
— LDS Church News (@LDSChurchNews) 2018年5月10日 - 03:26
From The Vault: Elder Neal A. Maxwell's 'The Man of Christ'- ldschurchnews.com/history-revisi… pic.twitter.com/jMcNTQoxKR
— LDS Church News (@LDSChurchNews) 2018年5月10日 - 01:43