


2009年12月30日 02時26分12秒 | Weblog
I am getting ready for submission of a paper to a journal.

In the instruction to contributors in the journal, it was specified that the font of the lettering should be Arial.

Now the font using in figures are Times New Roman…

A few years ago,
figures were made by my old Mac using a software operated in OS 9.x but not operated in the current Mac OS 10.x and made to PDF files,
therefore I am not able to revise PDF files without the Acrobat.

I need to the Acrobat to revise PDF files, but the Acrobat is very expensive.

I have to buy the Acrobat?

Do you know alternative methods?

Please let me know any solutions!
Give me the Acrobat!


A study is priceless.

May be,,,

I buy the Acrobat…..

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