(New York, February 20, 2011) ? The African Union and African, Western, and Arab countries that have relations with Libya should urge the Libyan government to stop the unlawful killing of protesters, Human Rights Watch said today. In the last three days, the death toll of protesters reported to Human Rights Watch by hospital staff and other sources has reached at least 173.
Accounts of the use of live ammunition by security forces, including machine gun fire, against protesters near the Katiba in Benghazi on February 19, 2011, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries, raise serious concern that the authorities are using unjustified and unlawful force. The government has shut down all internet communications in the country, and arrested Libyans who have given phone interviews to the media, making it extremely difficult to obtain information on developments there.
“A potential human rights catastrophe is unfolding in Libya as protesters brave live gunfire and death for a third day running,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Libya is trying to impose an information blackout, but it can’t hide a massacre.”
Eyewitnesses told Human Rights Watch that at least 10,000 protesters are protesting in the streets of Benghazi on February 20, after the funerals of the 84 protesters shot dead the day before.
According to witnesses who spoke to Human Rights Watch, the violence started on February 19 after thousands of protesters had gathered for funeral prayers of 14 of the protesters shot dead by security forces the day before. Followed by thousands of protesters, the funeral procession walked from the square in front of the Benghazi court to the Hawari cemeteries. On the way the marchers passed the Katiba El Fadil Bu Omar, a complex that includes one of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s residences and is heavily guarded by state security officers.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに話をしてくれた目撃者によると、抗議運動参加者への暴力行使は2月19日、数千名の市民が前日に治安部隊によって射殺された14名の抗議運動参加者の葬儀に集まった後に始まったようである。数千人の抗議運動参加者を率いて、葬儀の列はベンガジ(Benghazi)裁判所の前の広場からハワリ(Hawari)墓地と歩いた。途中その行進は、ムアマル・カダフィ大佐の住居の一つを含んでいて国の治安部隊によって厳重な警備が施されている、カチバ・エル・ファディル・ブ・オマル(Katiba El Fadil Bu Omar)複合施設の前を通過した。
Three eyewitnesses confirmed that the security officers in distinctive uniform with yellow berets fired indiscriminately on protesters. One protester, A.G., told Human Rights Watch, “it was at this stage that they opened fire on us. We were walking along peacefully but were chanting angrily against the regime and Gaddafi.”
Another lawyer who was at the protests said to Human Rights Watch, “I could see the men with yellow berets shooting at us with live gunfire, and dozens fell to the ground. This went on for a long period of time, and I left with the injured to the hospital.” Later in the afternoon, Human Rights Watch spoke to another protester who said he had left the area because “anyone who goes near the Katiba is shot.” In the evening, thousands of protesters were still gathered in front of the Benghazi courthouse.
Human Rights Watch spoke to a senior medical official at Al Jalaa hospital in Beghazi who said the dead started coming in at 3:00 p.m.. and that by the end of the day, he had received 23 bodies. By the morning of February 20, the number of dead who arrived at the hospital had risen to 70. He said the deaths and the vast majority of those injured showed gunshot wounds of 4cm x 4cm sustained to the head, neck, and shoulders. Medical officials at Hawari hospital in Benghazi told Human Rights Watch that they had received 14 bodies, Human Rights Watch also confirmed the death of at least one protester in Misrata on February 19, bringing the total number of those killed on February 19 to 85. Human Rights Watch calculates the total dead in four days of protests at 173.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが話を聞いた、ベンガジのアル・ジャラー(Al Jalaa)病院の幹部医療従事者によると、午後3時に死体が運び込まれ始め、その日の内に23の遺体を受け入れ、2月20日の朝までにその病院に搬入された遺体の数は70に上ったそうである。遺体と負傷者の大多数は、頭・首・胸等の部位に4cm x 4cmの銃傷があったと、その医療従事者は語っていた。ベンガジのハワリ(Hawari)病院の医療従事者はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに14の遺体を受け入れたと語り、更にヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは2月19日にミスラタ(Misrata)で1名の抗議運動参加者が死亡しているのを確認していることから、2月19日に殺害された者の総数は85名になる。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは4日間の抗議運動での死者は173名になると計算している。
Human Rights Watch calls on the African Union, the European Union, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other governments with ties to Libya to:
Publicly demand an end to unlawful use of force against peaceful protesters;
Announce that those responsible for serious violations of international human rights law must be held individually accountable and will be subjected to appropriate measures;
Impose an embargo on all exports of arms and security equipment to Libya; and
Restore access to the internet.
The Libyan government cut access to the internet on February 19 and had not restored service on February 20. Craig Labovitz, Chief Scientist at Arbor Networks, an international network security provider, confirmed that internet traffic in Libya dropped to zero on February 19 at 2:00 a.m. in Libya.
リビア政府は2月19日にインターネットへのアクセスを遮断するとともに、2月20日になっても復活していない。国際的にインターネット上のセキュリティを提供している、アルボル・ネットワークス(Arbor Networks)の主任研究員クレイグ・ラボヴィツ(Craig Labovitz)は、リビアでのインターネット通信が2月19日午前2時にゼロになったと証言している。
A lawyer told Human Rights Watch that early on February 19, security officers had arrested Abdelhafiz Ghogha, one of the most prominent lawyers in Benghazi who represented the families of those killed in 1996 in Abu Salim prison, bringing the total number of activists, lawyers and former political prisoners arrested since the demonstrations began to at least 17.
ある弁護士はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、2月19日未明、治安当局者が、ベンガジで最も著名な弁護士の一人であるアブデルハフィズ・ホグハ(Abdelhafiz Ghogha)を逮捕したと伝えた。ホグハは1996年にアブ・サリム(Abu Salim)刑務所で殺害された者の家族の代理人を務めていた。彼の逮捕で、デモが始まって以来当局に拘束された活動家・弁護士・元政治犯の総数は、少なくとも17名に上ることになった。
“In 1996, Libyan authorities killed 1,200 prisoners on one day in Abu Salim and they still haven’t acknowledged doing anything wrong that day,” said Whitson. “Today the Libyan government has shown the world that it is still using ruthless brutality against its population.”
「1996年にリビア当局はアブ・サリム(Abu Salim)刑務所で、1日に1,200名の囚人を殺害したにもかかわらず、今も当時何も悪いことをしていないという認識だ。」とウィットソンは語った。「今日、リビア政府は、自国民に対して無慈悲な残虐行為を未だに仕掛け続けていることを、世界に明らかにした。」