
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ナイジェリア:治安部隊による大量殺人を訴追せよ



(Dakar, November 26, 2009) – The Nigerian government has not brought a single prosecution or even begun investigations a year after Nigerian policemen and soldiers killed more than 130 civilians in responding to deadly sectarian clashes in the central Nigerian city of Jos, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should investigate and prosecute members of the security forces implicated in these and a series of subsequent abuses, Human Rights Watch said.


In the year since the violence in Jos, Nigerian security forces have been implicated in other abuses and incidents of extrajudicial killings without facing any official sanction. In July 2009, the police in northern Nigeria brazenly executed the leader of a militant Islamist group in police custody. In April, police, politicians, and election officials were implicated in election violence and vote-rigging in Ekiti State, in southwest Nigeria. President Umaru Yar’Adua called for investigations or set up an investigatory panel in these cases and vowed that those responsible would be prosecuted, but no one has been held accountable.

ジョスでの武力衝突以降1年間、ナイジェリア治安部隊は他の人権侵害や超法規的処刑事件に関与していると見られながら、公式には何の処罰も受けていない。2009年7月北部ナイジェリアの警察は、警察に拘留中のイスラム教主義民兵グループの指導者を、何のてらいもなく処刑した。4月にもナイジェリア南西部エキティ(Ekiti)州で選挙関係武力衝突と不正投票に警察・政治家・選挙当局者が関与したと見られている事件が起きている。ウマル・ヤラドゥア(Umaru Yar’Adua)大統領は調査を要求し、それらの事件に関して調査パネルを設置、責任者は訴追されると言明したが、これまでに誰も責任を追及されていない。

“It’s high time for the Nigerian government to turn its talk and promises into tangible action,” said Corinne Dufka, senior West Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Nigerian government owes the families of those killed an explanation about why their loved ones are long buried, while security personnel implicated in the deaths are still walking around free.”


On November 28 and 29, 2008, following a disputed local government election, 700 people died as a result of sectarian violence in Jos and excessive use of force by the security forces. Human Rights Watch documented 133 cases of unlawful killings by members of the security forces who had been deployed to quell the sectarian violence. Police officers and soldiers gunned down residents in their homes, chased down and killed unarmed men trying to flee to safety, and lined up victims on the ground and summarily executed them.


President Yar’Adua set up a panel in December 2008 to investigate the Jos violence, but the panel is only scheduled to begin hearings in December 2009. The Plateau State governor also formed a commission of inquiry, which held hearings but failed to investigate alleged abuses by security forces. The findings, which were submitted to the governor on October 27, have not yet been made public.


Neither the Nigeria Police Force nor the Nigerian Army has investigated or punished security personnel implicated in the Jos killings.


“Given the shocking failure of the police and military to punish those responsible, a heavy burden now rests on the presidential panel to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation,” Dufka said.


The violence in April in Ekiti State came during a closely fought gubernatorial election rerun. The police were accused both of aiding political thugs in rigging the election and of turning a blind eye to the violence. President Yar’Adua acknowledged that politicians in “collaboration with electoral and security officials” were accused of violence and vote-rigging. On May 12, he ordered the security agencies to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the “violence, intimidation of voters, [and] bribery of electoral officials.” But six months later, no police officer or public official has been charged in any of these crimes.


The Nigerian police were also implicated in several highly publicized extrajudicial killings in July during a week of clashes in northern Nigeria between security forces and a militant Islamist group known as Boko Haram. The violence left more than 800 people dead, most of whom, according to government authorities, were suspected Boko Haram members.

7月にナイジェリア北部で、治安部隊とボコ・ハラム(Boko Haram)として知られるイスラム主義民兵グループとの間で衝突が発生し、1週間続いたのだが、その際の市民から高い注目を浴びた幾つかの超法規的処刑に、ナイジェリア警察が又関与していると見られている。その武力衝突は800名以上の死者を出したが、政府当局者によれば、死者の殆どはボコ・ハラムのメンバーであると疑いを掛けられた者だったそうだ。

The Nigerian Army arrested Mohammed Yusuf, the Boko Haram leader, on July 30 and transferred him to the state police headquarters in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. The police executed him and left his bullet-ridden body for public display. The following day, Buji Foi, a former state government official suspected of funding Boko Haram, and Yusuf’s 72-year-old father-in-law, Baba Fugu Mohammed, were also reportedly killed in police custody.

ナイジェリア陸軍は7月30日に、ボコ・ハラムの指導者モハメド・ユサフ(Mohammed Yusuf)を逮捕し、ボルノ(Borno)州の州都マイドゥグリ(Maiduguri)にある州警察本部に移した。警察は彼を処刑し、銃弾で蜂の巣にされた遺体を一般公開した。翌日ボコ・ハラムに資金援助していたと疑いを掛けられた元州政府当局者であるブジ・フォイ(Buji Foi)とユサフの72歳の義理の父親であるババ・フグ・モハメッド(Baba Fugu Mohammed)もまた伝えられるところでは拘留中に殺害されたらしい。

President Yar’Adua responded on August 3 by ordering his national security adviser to investigate Yusuf’s death. The president said he expected the report to be made available by the end of the week. Ten days later, on August 13, Justice Minister Michael Aondoakaa issued a statement to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva insisting that the Nigerian “government does not condone extra-judicial killing or torture and condemns in its entirety the unfortunate circumstances that led to the death of Mohammed Yusuf in Police custody.” Aondoakaa, who is also the attorney general, went on to assure the High Commissioner that “as soon as the investigative process is completed, those found wanting will be sanctioned accordingly.”

ヤラドゥア大統領は8月3日に国家安全保障アドバイザーにユサフ殺害事件を調査するよう命令して対処し、週末には報告書が届くと期待していると語った。その10日後の8月13日、法務大臣ミカエル・アオンドアカー(Michael Aondoakaa)はナイジェリア「政府は超法規的処刑や拷問を容認せず、警察拘留中のモハメド・ユサフに死をもたらした不幸な状況全体を非難する。」と強く主張する声明をジュネーブの国連人権高等弁務官宛に発表した。アオンドアカはまた検事総長でもあるが、高等弁務官に「調査プロセスが完了次第、それだけでは不十分だと分かった者には相応の制裁措置が取られることになるだろう。」と続けて保証した。

Four months later, however, not a single police officer has been disciplined for the killings of Yusuf or the others who died in police custody. The police claim they are still waiting to receive the report from the national security adviser.


“One year after the killings in Jos, the Nigerian government’s record on accountability remains dismal,” Dufka said. “The Nigerian government simply must do more to end the deadly cycle of violence by the very state agents who are supposed to be protecting the Nigerian people.”



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