(Brussels, September 10, 2009) – A high-level delegation from the European Union will visit Zimbabwe on September 12 and 13, 2009, to assess the implementation of the Global Political Agreement between Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change, led by Morgan Tsvangirai.
(ブリュッセル、2009年9月10日)-2009年9月12日13日とEU高官がジンバブエを訪問し、ロバート・ムガベ(Robert Mugabe)のジンバブエ・アフリカ民族同盟愛国戦線(ZANU-PF)とモーガン・ツァンギライ(Morgan Tsvangirai)の民主改革運動(Movement for Democratic Change)の間で合意されたグローバル政治協定の実施状況を評価する予定である。
The Swedish minister for international development cooperation, Gunilla Carlsson, will lead the delegation, which will also include the EU commissioner for development and humanitarian assistance, Karel De Gucht, and representatives of the Council Secretariat and the incoming EU presidency, Spain. Sweden currently holds the EU presidency.
スウェーデン国際開発協力担当大臣のグニラ・カールソン(Gunilla Carlsson)が、EU委員会開発人道援助担当委員のカレル・ドゥ・グヒュト(Karel De Gucht)や欧州評議会事務局そして次期EU議長国スペインの代表などを含む、代表団を率いることになる。スウェーデンは現在EU議長国をつとめている。
The Global Political Agreement, signed in September 2008, calls on the signatory parties to “build a society free of violence, fear, intimidation, hatred, patronage, corruption and founded on justice, fairness, openness, transparency, dignity and equality.”
Human Rights Watch recently reported that more than six months after the formation of the transitional, power-sharing government in Zimbabwe, there has been little progress in instituting any promised human rights reforms or in demonstrating respect for the rule of law. Moreover, ZANU-PF, the former ruling party, has consistently failed to honor its commitments.
“The EU should look beyond cosmetic changes in Zimbabwe,” said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Until there are concrete and irreversible improvements in human rights and the rule of law, the EU should withhold development aid and maintain travel sanctions and asset freezes against ZANU-PF and its leadership.”
To read the August 2009 Human Rights Watch report, “False Dawn: The Zimbabwe Power-Sharing Government’s Failure to Deliver Human Rights Improvements,” please visit: