
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ エジプト:シナイ半島での移民殺害を止めよ



(New York, September 10, 2009) – Egyptian authorities should bring an immediate end to the unlawful killings of migrants and asylum seekers near Egypt’s Sinai border with Israel, Human Rights Watch said today. According to news reports, Egyptian border guards shot and killed four migrants on September 9, 2009, bringing to at least 12 the number killed since May as they tried to cross into Israel.


General Muhammad Shousha, the governor of North Sinai, was quoted after the recent killings justifying the policy of shooting at the migrants as “necessary.” The latest killings come just days before President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel are scheduled to hold high-level talks in Cairo on September 13.

北シナイの知事であるムハマッド・ショウシャ大将は、最近の殺害事件の後、移民への発砲措置を正当化して“必要である”と述べたと伝えられている。9月13日、ホスニ・ムバラク(Hosni Mubarak)エジプト大統領とベンジャミン・ネタニヤフ(Benjamin Netanyahu)イスラエル首相がカイロで高官会議を行うことが予定されているが、直近の射殺事件はその数日前に起きた。

“Egypt has every right to manage its borders, but using routine lethal force against unarmed migrants – and potential asylum seekers – would be a serious violation of the right to life,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “These individuals appeared to post no threat to the lives of the border guards or anyone else. Attempted border crossings are not a capital offense.”

“エジプトは国境を管理する全ての権利を有しているものの、非武装の移民(そして亡命希望者である可能性のある者)に致命的打撃を与える武力を日常的に使用することは、生命への権利に対する重大な侵害となる”とジョー・ストーク、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ中東副局長は述べた。“これらの人々は国境警備隊委員他誰の命にも脅威を与えていないようであるし、国境を越えようとする試みは死刑相当の罪” ではない。

Human Rights Watch said that Israel’s policy of forcibly returning to Egypt some of those who do make it across, without considering any possible asylum claims, also violates international law.


Al Masry Al Youm, an independent Egyptian daily, on September 9 quoted Shousha as saying: “Of course it’s not a mistake that we shoot them – it’s necessary to shoot them. To deal with an infiltrator, he has to be fired at. If we say, ‘Stop where are you going?’ he’s not going to stop so we have to shoot him. The distance to the border is only a few meters so if the infiltrator does not realize that if he goes near the border he will be shot at, the situation will be chaotic.”

独立系エジプト語日刊紙アル・マスリー・アル・ユーム(Al Masry Al Youm)は、9月9日ショウシャが“もちろん我々が彼らを銃撃するのは間違いではない。-撃つのは必要なことだ。不法侵入者に対応するためには、不法侵入者は打たれなければならない。我々が‘止まれ!どこに行くんだ?’と言って、その者が止まらなければ、我々はその者を撃たなければならない。国境までの距離はほんの数メートルであり、国境に近づくならその者は撃たれるだろうということを不法侵入者が認識しないのなら、事態は無秩序状態となってしまうだろう。”と述べたと伝えた。

Human Rights Watch previously documented that, between July 2007 and October 2008, Egyptian border guards killed at least 33 migrants and wounded scores of others at or near the Sinai border with Israel.


Some wounded migrants manage to cross into Israel. Visitors who regularly visit Ketziot prison in Israel, where the migrants are taken, told Human Rights Watch that they typically see five or more migrants who have recently been treated at the Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva for gunshot wounds after crossing the border with Egypt. The consistency of injuries, as well as the reported deaths, indicate that Egyptian border guards frequently resort to lethal force in their efforts to prevent people from crossing the border.

負傷した移民の一部はイスラエルに国境越えを果たしている。移民が連行されるイスラエルのケズィオット(Ketziot)刑務所を定期的に訪問している人々が、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、エジプトとの国境を越えた後、ベール・シェバ(Be'er Sheva)にあるソロカ(Soroka)病院で最近銃傷の治療を受けてきた、5名からそれ以上の移民を一般的に見ている、と話していた。伝えられている死者に加えて負傷者が一貫して出ていることは、エジプト国境警備隊が国境を越えようとする人々を阻止するために、多くの場合致命的打撃を与える可能性のある武力を行使しているということを示唆している。

Under international law, security officials acting in a law enforcement capacity may use lethal force only as a proportional and necessary response to a threat to life. There is no evidence that the Egyptian border guards used lethal force in order to protect their lives or the lives of anyone else. The UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms provide that law enforcement officials “shall, as far as possible, apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force” and may use force “only if other means remain ineffective.” When the use of force is unavoidable, law enforcement officials must “exercise restraint in such use and act in proportion to the seriousness of the offence.”

国際法のもとでは、法を執行する資格により行動する治安当局者は、均衡がとれかつ生命への脅威に対応するために必要な場合にのみ、致命的打撃を与える可能性のある武力を行使することがある、とされている。エジプト国境警備隊が自分たち若しくは誰かの命を守るために致命的打撃を与える可能性のある武力を使ったという証拠は何もない。法執行官は “可能な限り、武力行使に訴える前に非暴力的手段を適用し”、“その他の手段が効果のないままであるのみに限り”武力を行使することがある、と 「法執行官による武力および火器の使用に関する国連基本原則」は規定している。武力行使が避けられない場合でも、法執行官は“違法行為の重大性に均衡の取れた程度に武力の行使や行動において抑制を利かさなければならない。”

Human Rights Watch recognizes that the security situation in Sinai is complicated and that the government has legitimate security concerns. On August 3, smugglers shot an Egyptian border guard dead in an exchange of fire. However, these security concerns do not justify shooting unarmed migrants and refugees at all points along the 200-kilometer Sinai border.


Human Rights Watch also criticized Israel’s policy of forcibly returning to Egypt, in violation of international refugee law, some migrants who do make it across the border and are captured near the border by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), without granting them an opportunity to present asylum claims.


An Israeli reserve soldier, testifying before an Israeli court, said that on June 13, his unit apprehended near the border with Egypt a group of 10 migrants and asylum seekers who identified themselves as Eritrean. His deputy commander ordered them to be returned to Egypt “if there is no one from Darfur among them.”


“When the people understood we were about to return them to the Egyptian policemen who arrived at the place,” the soldier continued, “they started to cry and beg. We did not understand the language they spoke, but it was obvious they were afraid and it was terrible. We ignored their pleas and transferred them to the Egyptian policemen who gathered on the other side of the fence.”


Migrants and refugees who are forcibly returned to Egypt face arbitrary arrest and detention, unfair trials before military courts, and forcible deportation without the chance to make asylum claims.


Egyptian authorities are arresting an increasing number of refugees and migrants as they try to cross the border or when they are returned by Israel, and charging them with illegal entry.  Egyptian security officers arrested 85 refugees and migrants between January and May, but the number jumped to 144 in June and 169 in July. The Egyptian authorities hold the refugees and migrants in detention centers in Aswan, New Valley, Red Sea, and North Sinai governorates and deny the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) access to them. They are subsequently tried before military courts, which do not meet international fair trial standards.

エジプト当局は、国境を越えようとする、若しくはイスラエルから返された、増大する難民と移民を逮捕し続け、不法入国の容疑で起訴している。エジプトの治安部隊員は1月から5月の間に難民と移民85名を逮捕したが、その数は6月に144名7月には169名に急増した。エジプト当局は難民と移民を、アスワン(Aswan)ニュー・バレー(New Valley)、レッド・シー(Red Sea)、北シナイ(North Sinai)の各行政区域にある収容所に拘束し、国連難民高等弁務官(UNHCR)の面会を認めないでいる。難民と移民はその後、公正裁判の基準を満たしていない軍事法廷で裁判にかけられる。

Under international human rights and refugee law, Israel and Egypt are obliged to assess the protection needs of the migrants and asylum seekers on their territory, including those apprehended by their security forces. Neither country should return anyone to a country where the person would face the risk of torture, persecution or other ill-treatment.


Egypt should also allow UNHCR access to all asylum seekers in custody, including those not yet registered with the agency, who claim a need for international protection. Under the terms of a 1954 memorandum of understanding, Egypt has devolved all responsibility for refugee status determination to the refugee agency. Under these circumstances, Egyptian officials need to ensure that UNHCR has access to all detained migrants to give them the opportunity to present asylum claims. Only after concluding that process could Egypt consider deporting those who fall outside the protection of international refugee and human rights law.


Eritreans, who form a large proportion of African migrants and refugees crossing the Sinai, are at particularly high risk if returned to Eritrea by Israel or Egypt. The UNHCR has recommended that host governments refrain from forcibly returning rejected asylum seekers to Eritrea because it is likely that all returned Eritreans will be subjected to detention and torture. Eritrea routinely imprisons individuals caught trying to flee the country and issues “shoot-to-kill” orders for anyone found crossing the border without permission.


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