
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ シエラレオネ:急成長する鉱山業が人権侵害をもたらしている



(Freetown, February 18, 2014) – The government of Sierra Leone and a mining company that is the country’s largest private employer have undermined villagers’ access to food and prevented workers from challenging abusive practices, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The government should ensure that economic development projects in the booming post conflict nation do not come at the expense of the human rights of local populations. 


The 96-page report, “Whose Development?: Human Rights Abuses in Sierra Leone’s Mining Boom,” documents how the government and London-based African Minerals Limited forcibly relocated hundreds of families from verdant slopes to a flat, arid area in Tonkolili District. As a result, residents lost their ability to cultivate crops and engage in income generating activities that once sustained them. Police carried out a bloody crackdown in the town of Bumbuna in April 2012 to quell a protest by workers who went on strike after being barred from forming a union of their own choosing.


“With investors flocking to Sierra Leone, the government has an opportunity to promote development for its desperately poor population,” said Rona Peligal, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch and author of the report. “But the African Minerals Limited case shows that, unless the government puts a stop to mining operation abuses, the people who most need to benefit from development will be excluded from it.”


Human Rights Watch interviewed close to 100 people in Sierra Leone for the report, and researched the operations of African Minerals Limited over an 18-month period, beginning in July 2012. Human Rights Watch met with the company’s leadership in February 2013, and corresponded with these directors until their departure from the firm in August. In January 2014, Human Rights Watch wrote to the company’s new management to update findings and request information, but has received no reply.   


Sierra Leone is an impoverished West African country still recovering from a catastrophic civil war that ended in 2002. African Minerals Limited, which began mining diamonds in Sierra Leone in 1996, built its Tonkolili mine on what is regarded as one of the largest deposits of magnetite in Africa, a type of iron ore. The company exports the ore to steelmakers in China.


The Sierra Leonean government, while promoting the company’s operations as essential to Sierra Leone’s economic development, permitted corporate actions that violated the rights of Tonkolili’s residents, Human Rights Watch found. For example, the government failed to provide adequate oversight of the company’s consultations with local communities or respond to repeated complaints about the forced relocation of residents. Both the government and the company misled villagers about what would happen once they were moved to the new site.


“The company went to the paramount chief, and the paramount chief told us what to do. We asked so many questions. What they told us they would do, they have not done.… It was a trap,” one village elder told Human Rights Watch. “They said, ‘It will be paradise for you,’ but it’s completely different.”


The government also did not take action in response to apparent African Minerals Limited violations of Sierra Leone labor laws concerning employment, termination, and benefits for its workers. The government’s narrow reading of national labor law as well as political wrangling denied the company’s workers the ability to form a union of their choosing, rather than belong to an established union that the workers regarded as ineffectual.


The government of President Ernest Koroma, re-elected in 2012, is aggressively pursuing an “Agenda for Prosperity,” supported by bilateral donors, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and corporations attracted by the country’s mineral riches and fertile land. The strategy has yielded high rates of growth; in 2012, Sierra Leone’s economy grew by 21 percent, the fastest in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the IMF.


That growth, however, has not necessarily been matched by improved living conditions for Sierra Leone’s six million people, Human Rights Watch said. The country has ranked as one of the poorest in the world for many years, according to the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index. Corruption and the lack of transparency interfere with Sierra Leone’s progress. The Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative in February 2013 suspended Sierra Leone’s bid for membership after the government failed to sufficiently address discrepancies in recording revenue or payments by companies. 


*採取産業透明性イニシアティブ(Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative:EITI)とは,石油・ガス・鉱物資源等の開発にかかわるいわゆる採取産業から資源産出国政府への資金の流れの透明性を高めることを通じて,腐敗や紛争を予防し,もって成長と貧困削減に繋がる責任ある資源開発を促進するという多国間協力の枠組み。途上国政府,採取企業,市民社会の平等で開放的な参加形態が特徴。現在では39の資源産出国,我が国を含む多数の支援国,そして数多くの採取企業やNGOが参加。

“Is the growth going to foster corruption and sow conflict?” one Sierra Leonean, then working for a development agency, said. “The whole point is to improve the lives of citizens. If that doesn’t happen, then what’s the point?”


Human Rights Watch recommendations to the government include to:


  • Provide sufficient resources for the Labor Ministry to oversee and inspect labor conditions throughout the country and allow multiple unions within the same industry;
  • 同国全域の労働環境を監督・査察できるよう、労働省に十分な資源を提供すると共に、同じ産業内に多様な労働組合を認めること
  • Put into effect Sierra Leone’s new law on access to information and publicize all mining contracts;
  •  情報公開に関するシエラレオネの新たな法律を施行すると共に、あらゆる鉱山業契約を公開すること
  •  Clarify the role of paramount chiefs in questions of land administration and ensure that the pending land law is transparent and equitable; and
  •  土地管理の問題に関わる大首長の役割を明確化すると共に、審理中の土地に関する法律の透明性と平等性を保証すること
  •  Provide immediate relief to the people who have been forcibly relocated by large-scale land investments, and put in place long-term measures to remedy negative human rights impacts of relocation, particularly concerning access to food, water, and livelihoods.
  •  大規模な土地への投資によって、再定住を余儀なくされる人々に直ちに支援を提供すると共に、再定住による人権問題、特に食料・水・生計へのアクセスに関する悪影響を救済する長期的措置を整備すること

The government should ensure that state land is allocated transparently and in accordance with the rights of its occupants, and allow residents to obtain accurate information – without fear of reprisal – on the deployment of the country’s resources, Human Rights Watch said.

  • 国有地の配分は、透明性を確保し土地占有者の権利に沿って行われる共に、住民が、報復に脅えずに、国有資源の配備に関して正確な情報を入手できるよう、政府は保証すること

Sierra Leonean authorities should also meaningfully address longstanding human rights problems such as corruption, opaque governance, unrestrained security forces, lack of clarity in land ownership, and abuses of authority by powerful local chiefs.


“Protecting the rights of all Sierra Leoneans is not an option, but a legal obligation,” Peligal said. “Particularly given Sierra Leone’s history of conflict, promoting rights as part of the country’s sustainable development is essential.”


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