
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:ブッシュ元大統領他の政府高官を拷問容疑で捜査せよ


(Washington, DC, July 12, 2011) – Overwhelming evidence of torture by the Bush administration obliges President Barack Obama to order a criminal investigation into allegations of detainee abuse authorized by former President George W. Bush and other senior offiCIAls, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Obama administration has failed to meet US obligations under the Convention against Torture –ratified by the United States and 146 other countries – to investigate acts of torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, Human Rights Watch said.


The 107-page report, “Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees,” presents substantial information warranting criminal investigations of Bush and senior administration offiCIAls, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and CIA Director George Tenet, for ordering practices such as “waterboarding,” the use of secret CIA prisons, and the transfer of detainees to countries where they were tortured.

全107ページの報告書、“拷問容疑からの逃亡:ブッシュ政権と被拘留者虐待”は、ブッシュ前大統領、ディック・チェイニー前副大統領、ドナルド・ラムスフェルド前国防長官、ジョージ・テネット前CIA長官を含む政府高官に対し、 「“水責め”などを伴う尋問」・「CIA秘密刑務所の使用」・「拷問を加える様々な国への被拘束者の移送」などを命じたという容疑で、事捜査が必要となる、大量の情報を提供している。

“President Obama has treated torture as a policy choice rather than a crime,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.  “His decision to end abusive interrogation practices will remain easily reversible unless he makes clear that they were crimes.”


If the US government does not pursue credible criminal investigations, other countries should prosecute US offiCIAls involved in crimes against detainees in accordance with international law, Human Rights Watch said.


“The US has a legal obligation to investigate these crimes,” Roth said. “If the US doesn’t act on them, other countries should.”


In August 2009, US Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Assistant US Attorney John Durham to investigate detainee abuse, but limited the probe to “unauthorized” acts. That means the investigation will not cover acts of torture, such as waterboarding, and other ill-treatment authorized by Bush administration lawyers, even if the acts violated domestic and international law.


In citing the four top-level Bush administration offiCIAls, Human Rights Watch said that:


-           President Bush publicly admitted that in two cases he approved the use of waterboarding, a form of mock execution involving near-drowning that the United States has long prosecuted as a form of torture. Bush also authorized the illegal CIA secret detention and renditions programs, under which detainees were held incommunicado and frequently transferred to countries such as Egypt and Syria where they were likely to be tortured.

- ブッシュ大統領は2つのケースにおいて水責め尋問の行使を承認したと公式に認めている。水責め尋問というのは模擬処刑の一形態で、溺死させられると思わせる程の苦痛を生じしめる行為を含んでおり、ある種の拷問としてそれを行った者を訴追するのが米国の長い習わしだった。ブッシュ大統領はCIAによる違法な秘密拘留とレンディション(国家間移送)という措置も正式承認している。これらの措置下に置かれた被拘留者は、隔離拘禁されるとともに、頻繁にエジプトやシリアといった拷問に遭う可能性が高い国々に移送されている。

-           Vice President Cheney was the driving force behind the establishment of illegal detention and interrogation policies, chairing key meetings at which specific CIA operations were discussed, including the waterboarding of one detainee, Abu Zubaydah, in 2002.

- チェイニー副大統領は、被拘留者アブ・ズベイダフに対して2002年行われた水責め尋問に関してなど、CIAが行う特定の活動を議論する主要な会議を主催しており、違法な拘留・尋問を確立する上での影の立役者だった。

-           Defense Secretary Rumsfeld approved illegal interrogation methods and closely followed the interrogation of Mohamed al-Qahtani, who was subjected to a six-week regime of coercive interrogation at Guantanamo that cumulatively appears to have amounted to torture.

- ・ラムスフェルド国防長官は、違法な尋問方法を承認するとともにモハメド・アル-カフタニへの尋問をつぶさに観察した。アル-カフタニはグアンタナモ収容所で、累積すれば拷問を構成すると思われる6週間に及ぶ威圧的な尋問を受けている。

-           CIA Director Tenet authorized and oversaw the CIA’s use of waterboarding, stress positions, light and noise bombardment, sleep deprivation and other abusive interrogation methods, as well as the CIA rendition program.

- テネットCIA長官は、CIAが「水責め」・「苦痛を伴う姿勢をとらせる(以下ストレス・ポジション)」・「強烈な光や大音量の音を浴びせる」・「睡眠剥奪」その他の人権侵害を伴う尋問を行うのを、正式承認するとともにそれを監督していた。

In media interviews, Bush has sought to justify his authorization of waterboarding on the ground that Justice Department lawyers said it was legal. While Bush should have recognized that waterboarding constituted torture without consulting a lawyer, there is also substantial information that senior administration offiCIAls, including Cheney, sought to influence the lawyers' judgment, Human Rights Watch said.


“Senior Bush offiCIAls shouldn’t be able to shape and hand-pick legal advice and then hide behind it as if it were autonomously delivered,” Roth said.


Human Rights Watch said the criminal investigation should include an examination of the preparation of the Justice Department memos that were used to justify the unlawful treatment of detainees.


While overall US efforts to prosecute military and CIA personnel implicated in torture have been dismal, Human Rights Watch said, some low-ranking military personnel have been prosecuted and sentenced. In particular, the administration prosecuted low-level personnel implicated in the Abu Ghraib scandal for abusing detainees with such practices as forced nudity and stress positions.  But senior offiCIAls who planned and authorized brutal treatment have, without exception, escaped punishment.


“If you were an Army private who was caught on film abusing detainees, you might have gone to jail,” Roth said. “But if you were a senior administration offiCIAl who signed an order authorizing the abuse, you got off scot free. That’s not right and not in keeping with the rule of law.”


Human Rights Watch also said that victims of torture should receive fair and adequate compensation as required by the Convention against Torture. Both the Bush and Obama administrations have successfully kept courts from considering the merits of torture allegations in civil lawsuits by making broad use of legal doctrines such as state secrets and offiCIAl immunity.


An independent, nonpartisan commission, along the lines of the 9-11 Commission, should be established to examine the actions of the executive branch, the CIA, the military, and Congress, with regard to Bush administration policies and practices that led to detainee abuse, Human Rights Watch said. Such a commission should make recommendations to ensure that the systematic abuses of the Bush administration are not repeated.


In February 2011, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland, where alleged victims of torture had intended to file a criminal complaint against him. An investigation implicating US offiCIAls in torture is under way in Spain. Documents made public by Wikileaks revealed that US pressure on Spanish authorities to drop the case has continued under the Obama administration.


Human Rights Watch said that the US government’s failure to investigate US offiCIAls for the torture and ill-treatment of detainees undermines US efforts to press for accountability for human rights violations abroad.


“The US is right to call for justice when serious international crimes are committed in places like Darfur, Libya, and Sri Lanka, but there should be no double standards,” Roth said. “When the US government shields its own offiCIAls from investigation and prosecution, it makes it easier for others to dismiss global efforts to bring violators of serious crimes to justice.”


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