
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ インドネシア:「宗教的寛容性の模範」という自己評価は錯覚

Indonesia’s ‘Religious Tolerance Model’ Fantasy

Vice President Disregards Discriminatory Regulations

October 30, 2017          Phelim Kine Deputy Director, Asia Division



20171030日                HRWアジア局長代理フェリム・カイン

Indonesia’s Vice President Jusuf Kalla last week praised religious tolerance in Indonesia as “better than in other countries” and a model “for other countries to learn [religious] tolerance.”


If only.


Kalla’s comments reflect the government’s willful disregard of both the corrosive influence of discriminatory laws that pose a clear threat to the country’s religious minorities, as well as official actions to reinforce those laws. In September, during the United Nation’s periodic review of Indonesia’s human rights record, the government made it clear the country’s dangerously ambiguous blasphemy law, which overwhelmingly targets religious minorities, is here to stay. Jakarta demonstrated that by rejecting recommendations from UN member countries to repeal the law. It also rejected a recommendation to amend or revoke laws that limit the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion in the country.


Indonesia’s religious minorities have every reason to be alarmed. That’s because the blasphemy law and other legislation have frequently been used to prosecute and imprison members of religious minorities. Recent victims include three former leaders of the Gafatar religious community, prosecuted for blasphemy following the violent forced eviction of more than 7,000 Gafatar members from their farms on Kalimantan Island last year. Another was the former Jakarta governor, Basuki “Ahok” Purnama, sentenced to two years in prison in May.


And the Indonesian government does not appear satisfied with just ignoring UN calls to scrap the blasphemy law. The Religious Affairs Ministry wants to reinforce and expand its scope through the so-called Religious Rights Protection bill, which parliament will likely debate later this year.


Kalla and other senior government officials will probably point to the government’s acceptance of other ambiguously worded recommendations – which only pay lip-service to the rights to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion – as evidence of its commitment to religious freedom. But Indonesia’s religious minorities are well aware of the glaring gap between their government’s religious freedom rhetoric and the far more abusive reality.


Kalla should publicly recognize that touting an illusory “model of religious tolerance” is not only an exercise in self-deception, but a gross insult to religious minorities who are at risk of these discriminatory laws.



*インドネシアの日本語日刊紙「じゃかるた新聞」は、ガファタル(ヌサンタラ・ファジャール運動)について以下のように報道しています。 「教祖アフマッド・ムシャデック師が2011年に興した新興宗教。教祖をムハンマドに代わる預言者と主張し、農本主義を軸に食糧自給などを提唱する。イスラム、キリスト教、ユダヤ教の教義を融合し、イスラムの六信五行を義務付けていない。イスラム学者会議(MUI)は2007年、キヤダを「異端教団」と認定、宗教冒とく罪でムシャデック師に禁錮4年を言い渡した

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