
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イラク領クルド人自治区:抗議行動参加者を暴行、ジャーナリストを拘禁

Kurdistan Region of Iraq : Protesters Beaten, Journalists Detained

Security Forces Suppress Demonstrations on Economic Crisis



(Erbil April 15, 2018) – Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security forces detained at least 84 protesters and four journalists in late March, Human Rights Watch said today. Many of the detentions appeared to be arbitrary, either because persons were detained because they were exercising their right to freedom of peaceful assembly, or because their right under Iraqi law to be brought before a judge within 24 hours was ignored. Twelve witnesses said security forces beat many as they attempted to detain them during demonstrations in the cities of Akre, Dohuk, and Erbil. Human Rights Watch received reports of arrests in other towns, including Shiladze, Soran, and Zakho.


Security forces used unlawful force and threats to coerce some protesters and journalists to unlock their phones and give up Facebook passwords, and held the detainees for up to two days before releasing them, all but one without charge. Some were forced to sign a document promising not to attend “unlawful protests”. One journalist said the security forces told him he was no longer allowed to film protests. He refused to sign a commitment not to do so.


“The KRG forces’ heavy-handed tactics in responding to peaceful protests seem intended to silence criticism despite the official narrative of respect for free speech and assembly,” said Lama Fakih, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “It is a sign of oppression when authorities try to force people to sign away their basic rights to protest.”


On March 25, 2018, civil servants, mostly teachers and healthcare workers, launched days of protests across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) for unpaid wages. As an austerity measure, the KRG has paid civil servants reduced monthly salaries every few months for three years. One teacher told Human Rights Watch that for four years he has made less than half his salary, and cannot support his wife and three daughters.


Dr. Dindar Zebari, the KRG coordinator for international advocacy, said on March 27 that, “A number of protesters were arrested by security forces. They were charged with inciting violence and handed over to court.” He noted that the protests had no legal permit. Zebari said political parties had hijacked the protests and tried to encourage violence, added that no lawsuits have been filed against the security forces and accused protesters of attacking a security member.”


Twelve witnesses who attended protests in Akre, Dohuk, and Erbil between March 25 and March 28 disputed this narrative, saying that protesters were not armed and did not attack any security officers. Video footage appeared to corroborate their statements. Video clips of the protest on March 25 in Erbil show security forces firing tear gas into a seemingly peaceful crowd. Another clip from that protest appears to show a plain-clothes officer slap a female protester as she films. Video clips filmed by protesters at the March 26 protest in Dohuk and the March 28 protest in Erbil show uniformed officers aggressively pushing and grabbing protesters, but do not appear to show any armed or attacking protesters.


Human Rights Watch interviewed one journalist who was filming the protest in Akre on March 27 for a local station. He said Asayish security officers approached him at about 10:30 a.m. and took him to an Asayish office where they held him with 14 protesters. He said they demanded that he unlock his phone, reviewed the videos he had taken, and deleted them. “They told me that I am not allowed to film the protesters and warned, ‘If you do it again, it won’t be good for you.’ Then they asked me to sign a paper promising that I won’t film any more protests but I refused to sign it,” he told Human Rights Watch. After four hours he was released without charge.


A second journalist said that when he arrived at the protest in Akre on March 27, Asayish officers ignored his press pass, saying he could not film. At 11:30 a.m. three members of parliament arrived and encouraged him to film regardless, he said. Suddenly about 10 Asayish officers started beating him and then drove him to their office, where the director asked why he was bleeding.


“I told him, ‘your men did this to me,’ but he just ignored that, and told them to take me to the hospital, which they did an hour later,” he told Human Rights Watch. “The doctor told me my nose is broken and they will need to do surgery.”


Human Rights Watch interviewed a third journalist at the same protest who was arrested with two more journalists at 10:30 a.m., but released at 1 p.m. without being forced to sign anything or told not to film protests.


According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 15 journalists were assaulted and seven detained while covering the protests.


Human Rights Watch interviewed nine protesters, all of whom said Asayish forces beat them as they were being detained. Two escaped and avoided arrest, while two others were released within two hours. Five were held for between 12 hours and two days; three of the five said they were not allowed to contact their families or a lawyer. Officers demanded that two give up their phone passcodes and Facebook passwords, and tried to unlock another’s phone. Five said that upon release without charge, Asayish demanded that they promise not to participate in unlawful demonstrations. Three gave in, but two refused to sign the document. All denied using force against security force members.


This heavy-handed response matches a similar response to protests in and around Sulaymaniyah in December 2017, where Asayish forces detained journalists and protesters for extended periods without charge, and forced some to commit not to participate in protests to obtain release.


Security forces have an obligation to protect the right to free expression and peaceful assembly, Human Rights Watch said. Although the protest organizers appear not to have sought permission, as local law requires, international law protects the right to peaceful assembly, with restrictions only permitted in limited circumstances.


Iraq’s Criminal Procedural Code (no. 23/1971) states that all detainees must be brought before an investigative judge within 24 hours of detention.


Detention is considered arbitrary under international law if it is not clearly authorized under domestic law, or involves detaining people for exercising basic rights such as freedom of assembly, or violates fundamental procedural protections such as the right of detainees to be brought promptly before a judge.


“People in the Kurdistan Region have the right to peacefully express their frustration with the economic crisis,” Fakih said. “The government shouldn’t respond by restricting protests and the press, let alone by threats, beatings, arbitrary arrests and unlawful searches of demonstrators demanding fair pay.”


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