
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ マリ:児童を使った手掘り鉱山で金を生産



(Bamako, December 6, 2011) – At least 20,000 children work in Malian artisanal gold mines under extremely harsh and dangerous conditions, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Malian government and international donors should take action to end child labor in artisanal mines, Human Rights Watch said. Artisanal miners rely on low-tech methods and often organize informally.


The 108-page report, “A Poisonous Mix: Child Labor, Mercury, and Artisanal Gold Mining in Mali,” reveals that children as young as six dig mining shafts, work underground, pull up heavy weights of ore, and carry, crush, and pan ore. Many children also work with mercury, a toxic substance, to separate the gold from the ore. Mercury attacks the central nervous system and is particularly harmful to children.


“These children literally risk life and limb”, said Juliane Kippenberg, senior children’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “They carry loads heavier than their own weight, climb into unstable shafts, and touch and inhale mercury, one of the most toxic substances on earth.”


Of 33 child laborers interviewed by Human Rights Watch, 21 said that they suffered from regular pain in the back, head, neck, arms, or joints. Children also suffer from coughing and respiratory disease. One boy about six years old described the pain he felt when digging shafts with a pickaxe for hours on end. Another boy said that “everything hurts” when he comes home after a day’s work underground.


Most children work alongside their parents to supplement the little income adult miners get from selling gold to local traders. Other children migrate to the mines by themselves, and end up being exploited and abused by relatives or strangers who take their pay. Some girls are sexually abused or engage in sex work to survive. Children come to the mines from other parts of Mali, as well as from Guinea, Burkina Faso, and other neighboring countries.


Mali’s government adopted a National Action Plan for the Elimination of Child Labor in June 2011. The plan was an important step, but implementation has been delayed and the government has taken little action on the ground, Human Rights Watch said. There are no regular labor inspections in artisanal mines, and a ban on hazardous child labor, considered a worst form of child labor, has not been enforced. Under both Malian and international law, hazardous labor, which would include working in mines and with mercury, is prohibited for anyone under age 18.


The government has also largely failed to make education accessible and available for child laborers in mines, many of whom never go to school. Schools are often far away, charge fees, and do not encourage children who have migrated from elsewhere to attend. When child laborers do attend school, they often struggle to keep up.


“Mali has strong laws on child labor and on compulsory and free education, but unfortunately, the government has not fully enforced them,” Kippenberg said. “Local officials often benefit from artisanal gold mining and have little interest in addressing child labor.”


The government has done nothing to stop the use of mercury by child laborers and should immediately develop a strategy to address the health effects of mercury on child and adult miners, Human Rights Watch said. Mercury poisoning results in a range of neurological conditions, including tremors, coordination problems, vision impairment, headaches, memory loss, and concentration problems. The toxic effects of mercury are not immediately noticeable, but develop over time. Most artisanal miners are unaware of mercury’s health effects.


Much of the gold from Mali’s artisanal mines is bought by small traders who supply middle men and trading houses in Bamako, the country’s capital. Most of the 12 Malian traders interviewed by Human Rights Watch showed little concern about child labor and health risks from mercury use. One trader said that “our idea is that we just earn money.” The president of the Mali Mining Chamber, a representative body for the mining sector, even denied there was any child labor in artisanal gold mines.


Figures obtained by Human Rights Watch from the Malian Ministry of Mines put the amount of artisanally mined gold exported per year at around four metric tons, worth around US$218 million at November 2011 prices. Most of this gold is exported to Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, Dubai in particular.


Human Rights Watch has been able to contact three international companies that have bought gold from Mali’s artisanal mines. Kaloti Jewellery International, based in Dubai, and a Belgian company, Tony Goetz, shared with Human Rights Watch the due diligence procedures they use to make sure the gold they buy comes from legitimate sources. Kaloti stopped buying gold from Mali’s artisanal mines after learning about Human Rights Watch’s findings. Decafin, a Swiss company, said it acts at the end of a supply chain composed of at least four intermediaries and has no contact whatsoever with the producing companies or the Malian government. However, the company said that it questions suppliers about the origin of the gold and work conditions and that it would seek further information from the Mali Mining Chamber.

マリの手掘り鉱山で産出された金を購入している3つの国際企業に、HRW は連絡をとることができた。ドバイに本拠地を置くカロチ・ジュエリーインターナショナルとベルギー企業トニー・ゴエツは、購入する金が合法的な供給元から来るのを保証するための産出過程への適正評価に関して、HRWと意見同じにしてくれた。カロチはHRWが明らかにした事実を知った後、マリの手掘り鉱山で産出した金の購入を止めた。スイス企業デカフィンは、「当社は少なくとも4つの中間業者で成る供給経路の末端で活動しており、産出企業或いはマリ政府とは全く接触がない。」「しかし金の産出元と労働条件について供給先に尋ねると共に、マリ鉱業評議会から更に情報を提供するよう求めるつもりである。」と話していた。

“If businesses have not done so yet, they need to put in place procedures to ensure their gold has not been mined by children”, Kippenberg said. “They should also work with the government and international agencies to eliminate child labor in the mines. Boycott is not the answer.”


Child labor in artisanal gold mining is common in many countries worldwide, particularly within West Africa’s gold belt, which spans Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal. Mali is Africa’s third largest gold producer.


There are currently no simple alternatives to the use of mercury in artisanal gold mining, but its quantities can be greatly reduced, and its effects much better controlled, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). For example, containers called retorts should be used to capture the mercury vapor, and amalgamation in residential areas should be halted. Industrial gold mines rely on more costly and complex technology without mercury, but use cyanide.




Human Rights Watch called upon the government and its international supporters to:



  • Enforce existing labor laws that would end all forms of child labor in artisanal mining;
  • Implement the government’s June 2011 action plan on child labor;
  • Improve access to education, including through the abolition of all school fees, state support for community schools, and a cash transfer program to fund schooling for vulnerable children;
  • Develop a comprehensive health strategy to address the effects of mercury use; and
  • Provide stronger economic support for artisanal gold miners, for example through the creation of cooperatives.
  •  手掘り採掘での全形態の児童労働を止めさせるよう現行労働法を執行する事
  •  2011年6月に採用された児童労働に関する行動計画を実施する事
  •  全授業料の廃止、地域学校への国家支援、恵まれない児童向けの学校教育に資金提供する補助金事業などを通して、教育へのアクセスを改善する事
  •  水銀使用の影響に対処する総合的健康戦略を作成する事
  •  例えば会社の創設を通して、手掘り金採掘を行っている者により強力な経済支援を提供する事

Human Rights Watch expressed concern about the decision of the United States to cut funding for projects aimed at ending child labor in Mali. International donors should support efforts to eliminate hazardous child labor financially, politically, and with technical expertise, Human Rights Watch said. The International Labor Organization should revive its 2005 “Minors out of Mining” global initiative to eliminate child labor in the industry.


“Gold is glamorous,” Kippenberg said. “Child labor and mercury poisoning are not, and should not need to be a part of the process of gold mining.”



Accounts From the Report


I work at the mining site. I look after the other children and I carry minerals. It is hard. Sometimes my arms hurt from it.… Once I had an accident. I injured my finger. I wanted to carry a rock and it fell on my foot. I was taken to the health center. This happened about two months ago.… I work with mercury. You mix it in a cup and put it on the fire. I do this at the site.… I would like to leave this work.

– Mamadou S., estimated age 6, Baroya, Kayes region, April 3, 2011



I let my son do this for education. [Mamadou] collects the stones and carries them.

– Father of Mamadou S., Baroya, Kayes region, April 3, 2011



It's my stepmother who makes me work there. I don't want to. My real mother left. My stepmother takes all the money they pay me…. I don't get any money from the work…. Our work starts at 8 a.m. and continues the whole day…. I take the minerals [ore] and pan them. I work with mercury, and touch it. The mercury I was given by a trader…. He said mercury was a poison and we shouldn't swallow it, but he didn't say anything else about the mercury…. I don't want to work in the mines. I want to stay in school. I got malaria, and I am very tired when I work there [at the mine].

– Mariam D., estimated age 11, Worognan, Sikasso region, April 8, 2011



I climb into shafts, something like 30 meters deep. I started this year. Before that, I worked in mining too for about three years – pulling the rope [with a bucket out of the shaft]. The work with the bucket was very tiring. When you leave the mine and you arrive home, everything hurts, particularly your chest and back. I’ve also had some problems with breathing, I would sometimes cough…. The shaft is worse…. When you are in the shaft, you are alone and do all the work…. This year, a shaft collapsed, but no one died. It had rained a lot and one part of the shaft slipped and came down. It collapsed on two people. We dug other shafts to get them out. They had back pains but no other injuries.

– Oumar K., estimated age 14, Sensoko, Kayes region, April 4, 2011



I was at school but my stepfather took me out. I left school about six months ago, at the beginning of the school year. On Mondays my stepfather requires me to make bricks. On other days, I work in the mine and give all the earnings to my stepfather. I get about 1,000 CFA francs per day. I give it all immediately to my stepfather…. I transport the ore from the shaft to the place where they put it into sacks. I use the cart with the donkey for this.… I was first or second in class together with another girl. I liked school…. There was also a problem that my step-parents had not paid the school fees. So I had to repeat second grade because of that, not because I was doing badly in school… The work is hard. I often have belly aches and headaches. I feel that the work is too much for me ... because of the weight. I am often bent over.… My parents are [gold miners] in another village…. My stepfather treats me as if I am not a human being.– Boubacar S., estimated age 14, Sensoko, Kayes region, April 4, 2011

「ボクは学校に行ってたんだけど、ママ父が退学させたんだ。6ヶ月くらい前、学校の新しい年度が始まる時に学校を辞めた。月曜日にはママ父がボクにレンガを作らすんだ。でほかの日は、採掘場で働き、そこで貰ったお金は全部ママ父に渡す。1日に1,000 CFAフランくらい貰うよ。それを全部スグニママ父に渡すんだ・・・。鉱石を立て坑から、それをズタ袋の中に入れる所まで運んでる。ロバに引かせる荷車を使ってる・・・。もう1人の女の子と一緒でクラスで1番か2番だったんよ。学校は好きだった・・・。義理の親たちは授業料を払わなかったって問題もあったんヨネ。だから学校で成績が悪かったんじゃなくて、その問題で2年生をもう1度やらなきゃならなかったんだ・・・。仕事はキツイ。しょっちゅう腹は痛いし頭も痛くなる。仕事が多すぎるって思ってるんだけど・・・だって重いからね。しょっちゅう腰を曲げてるでしょ。ホントの両親はほかの村で[金採掘を]やってる・・・。ママ父はボクを人間じゃないみたいに扱うんだ。」


It is really difficult. It can make you sick.... I have already had headaches.… I also sometimes have back pain, shoulder pain, and muscle pain generally….I prefer to have free time than to work [at the mine]. But my parents say I have to work to buy the study material for school.

            – Lansana K., age 13, Baroya, April 3, 2011



There is no child labor in the artisanal gold mines.… A child cannot do this work. Some might look like children but are adults.

– Abdoulaye Pona, President of the Mali Mining Chamber, Bamako, April 11, 2011



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