(Berlin, October 5, 2022) – Vulnerable populations in Kazakhstan are not able to secure their basic social and economic rights, Human Rights Watch said today.
Almost a million people are receiving help from Kazakhstan’s main social assistance program, Targeted Social Assistance(TSA), but the program is failing to protect many people who need assistance. Rigid eligibility criteria and means tests exclude many people in need of support. The government should make changes in the program to eliminate errors in determining eligibility and arbitrary barriers that leave out qualified people and increase the benefits amount to ensure that people have adequate protection of their basic economic rights.
“A relatively prosperous country such as Kazakhstan should be able to step up and meet its human rights obligations to ensure that everyone has access to social security that offers an adequate standard of living,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “At present, meager payments, bureaucratic hurdles, and stigma mean this is not happening. Kazakhstan can and should do better.”
Human Rights Watch interviewed 17 women who had sought or receive help through the program and consulted with social workers and other professionals, activists, and nongovernmental groups that work with people in need of assistance.
In July, Human Rights Watch wrote to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population requesting information about how the Targeted Social Assistance program operates, but has not received a response.
About half the women interviewed said that the payments help them to cover only a portion of their families’ basic needs and that they have to seek support from other sources, including charities and help from mosques or relatives. Some have taken on debt to cover basic needs.
Everyone has the right to social security. Social security is central in guaranteeing human dignity for all persons when faced with circumstances that deprive them of their capacity to fully realize their human rights, including in the event of unemployment, parenting and other caregiving responsibilities, accident, illness, disability, old age, or other life circumstances. In Kazakhstan, however, there are several barriers that prevent people from enjoying their right to social security.
People interviewed said that one such barrier is stigma about receiving social assistance and that the narrative prevails that people should be grateful for whatever they receive. People who receive TSA are often blamed for depending on assistance and accused of not wanting to work or worsening their situation to qualify.
In reality, those who apply for the program must repeatedly go through a complicated application process with recipients subject to humiliating comments by social workers at the application centers, Human Rights Watch found.
“We collect documents every three months,” a mother of four children said. “I don’t understand how they calculate [the amount of TSA] … You go once, you take a day off work and then they tell you that a document is missing or that you need to bring a binder … They talk rudely to you … You feel humiliated.”
Another stumbling block is the requirement that applicants and their family members must possess residence registration for a permanent or temporary place of residence for each family member. People interviewed said that registering is particularly difficult for large families. Many landlords do not wish to rent out their property to large families, and even if they do, they often refuse to provide the registration, seeing it as an unnecessary burden.
Other barriers include rigid means tests regarding income thresholds and formal employment requirements. The amount of assistance a family receives depends on the total family income, which may include extended family members’ incomes that aren’t available to the applicant, and other types of social assistance. In calculating appropriate payments, Kazakh authorities should only consider household members who are actually sharing expenses and responsibilities, Human Rights Watch said.
In December 2019, the Law on TSA was amended to require family members considered “capable of employment” to be employed, except when they provide care for a child under age 3 or with a disability, or an older person or a person with a disability in need of care and assistance. If a person considered capable of being employed is not actively seeking employment, the entire family loses the benefits.
These rigid eligibility criteria not only prevent families getting cash assistance to help with everyday necessities, but they also prevent people in vulnerable situations from getting access to other government services, such as support for school children and extracurricular activities. Other important benefits are linked to the person’s TSA status.
Establishing a well-designed social protection system fulfils an important human rights obligation and provides governments with a powerful tool to reduce poverty and economic inequality, Human Rights Watch said. The right to social security is guaranteed in the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, to which Kazakhstan is a party.
To fulfil its international human rights obligations, the government should review the TSA application process to streamline the procedure, remove or amend the residence registration requirement, and review the income calculation system.
The government should also consider removing the employment requirement and consider introducing universal child benefits, or cash benefits paid to all families with children, regardless of their income. Universal child benefits lower child poverty without the exclusion errors common to poverty targeted benefit programs. The government should also revise the poverty threshold to provide for an adequate standard of living, taking into account inflation of 14.5 percent from June 2021 to June 2022.
“Many people interviewed described circumstances such as an illness, a loss of a close relative, or a loss of income due to factors outside of their control, which are exactly the circumstances in which international law guarantees their right to social security,” Williamson said. “Kazakhstan, which aspires to be a global economic player, needs to reform its social protection system to ensure that vulnerable people’s basic rights are protected.”