(New York, October 16, 2009) – The trials of 21 defendants accused of participating in the violent July 2009 protests in Urumqi did not meet minimum international standards of due process and fair trials, Human Rights Watch said today.
On October 12, the Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court tried seven men and sentenced six to death and one to life imprisonment. On October 14, another 14 men were tried and sentenced. Six received the death penalty, three of them with a two-year reprieve, while others were sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. All the trials took place without prior public notification and were conducted in less than a day.
“There is no doubt that serious criminal acts were committed in July’s unrest in Xinjiang, but it serves neither justice nor stability for the government to ignore minimum standards of due process,” said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “The lack of transparency about how these trials were conducted undermines confidence in the verdicts.”
The protests of July 5-7, 2009 in Urumqi were one of the worst episodes of ethnic violence in China in decades. According to government figures, 197 people, 134 of them Han Chinese, died in the violence, and some 1,600 were injured. Security forces arrested hundreds of suspected protesters over the following days and weeks, and the government promised harsh punishment – including the death penalty for the worst offenders – as early as July 9.
2009年7月5日から7日までウルムチで起きた抗議運動は、ここ数十年での中国における最悪の民族暴動事件の1つだった。政府発表のデータでは、暴動で197名(内134名が漢族)死亡し、約1,600名が負傷したとなっている。治安部隊は抗議運動の後数日及び数週間にわたり抗議を行ったと疑いを掛けた者数百名を逮捕した。 7月9日には早くも、政府は、最も重い罪を犯した者への死刑など、厳しい刑罰を約束していた。
In recent weeks, the Xinjiang judicial authorities announced that they would begin by trying 21 cases for which they had overwhelming evidence, including for some cases with supporting footage from security cameras. On October 9, the city’s deputy chief procurator, Liu Bo, told Xinhua that law enforcement authorities had made “a lot of effort to collect solid and legitimate evidence against each suspect allegedly involved in criminal activities in the riot.” Liu added that the state prosecution would “speed up the process of public prosecution for the rest of the suspects.”
最近の数週間の内に、新疆ウイグル自治区司法当局は、幾つかの事件を裏付ける監視カメラの映像など、確かな証拠がある21ケースに対する裁判を開始すると公表した。10月9日ウルムチの次席検事リュー・ボは新華社通信に、法執行機関当局は“暴動での犯罪行為に関与した疑いを掛けられている者それぞれに対する、確かで合法的な証拠を収集するのに多大な努力” をしたと述べた。国の起訴は“残りの容疑者に対する公訴プロセスを早めるだろう”とリューは付け加えた。
Human Rights Watch said that serious violations of due process that compromised the possibility of fair trials for the defendants, including restrictions on legal representation, overt politicization of the judiciary, failure to publish public notification of the trials, and failure to hold genuinely open trials as mandated by law – all chronic problems in China’s judicial system. In this month’s Xinjiang cases, Human Rights Watch identified three particular concerns:
- In violation of the right to choose one’s own lawyer, judicial authorities in Urumqi and Beijing on July 11, 2009 effectively warned lawyers against accepting these cases by instructing them to exercise caution in dealing with cases related to the riots, and telling partners at law firms to report such cases immediately and “positively accept monitoring and guidance from legal authorities and lawyers’ associations.” The notice also banned lawyers from making comments to the media or on the internet, precluding public scrutiny of how the trials were conducted. On August 9, Ren Guoshen, the vice-head of the Urumqi legal aid services told Xinhua that the lawyers appointed to defend protesters had been chosen not only for their legal skills but also for “their good political qualities,” raising questions about those lawyers’ willingness to challenge the government while defending their clients.
- 弁護士を選択する権利を侵害したこと。ウルムチと北京の司法当局者は2009年7月11日、弁護士に暴動に関する事件に対処する際に注意するよう、弁護士に指導した。又、そのような事件の依頼が来たら直ちに届け出て、“司法当局と弁護士会からの監視と指導を積極的に受け入れる”よう、弁護士事務所の同僚に伝えた。これらの通知は事実上弁護を引き受けないようにという警告となった。また弁護士がメディアにコメントすることやインターネットに意見を掲載することを禁止したため、裁判がどのように行われるのか?を国民が監視することを不可能にした。8月9日、ウルムチ法律支援機関の副代表レン・グォシェン(Ren Guoshen)は新華社通信に、暴動事件に参加した抗議運動参加者を弁護するために指名された弁護士が、法律的な技術だけではなく“政治的に良質”であるために選択されたと述べ、彼らがクライアントの弁護を行う際に、政府に異議を申したる気があるのか?について疑問を生じさせた。
- Xinjiang judges and prosecutors were also specifically selected to hear these cases based on political criteria, and received direct instructions from Party authorities regarding the handling of the July 5 cases. The president of the Xinjiang High People’s Court disclosed in a July 16 Ministry of Justice publication that the Xinjiang judicial authorities had “selected politically qualified personnel drawn from the entire region” to work on the July 5 cases. Other official reports state that the Party Committee of the Xinjiang High People’s Court had organized training sessions for judicial personnel participating in these trials. During those sessions they received a “Propaganda Education Manual on the Truth about the July 5th Incident in Urumqi,” prepared by the Party authorities so as to “unify the thinking with the central and regional party authorities,” and “guide and educate cadres and policemen from all nationalities to increase their political keenness and discernment.” The selection of judicial personnel on political criterions is a clear contravention of the right to be judged by an “independent and impartial tribunal” under international law.
- 事件を審理する新疆ウイグル自治区の裁判官と検察官がまた、政治的気基準を根拠に選択され、7月5日の事件を取り扱うのにあたり共産党当局から直接指示を受けていたこと。新疆ウイグル自治区高級人民法院長は7月16日司法省の刊行物に、新疆ウイグル自治区司法当局は7月5日の事件を処理するために、“地域全体から政治的に適格とされた人員を選択した”と表明した。他の公的報道は、新疆ウイグル自治区高級人民法院の共産党委員会がそれらの裁判に参加する司法当局要員に対する、訓練セッションを主催したと伝えている。これらのセッションの際参加者は、 “中央と地方の共産党当局の考えを統一するために”及び“全国の党幹部と警官の政治的熱意と優れた判断力強化に向けた指導及び教育を行う”ために、共産党当局が用意した “ウルムチでの7月5日事件についての真実に関する教育的プロパガンダ・マニュアル”を配布された。政治的基準を根拠にした司法要員の選択は、国際法のもとでの“中立及び公平な法廷”によって裁かれる権利を、明確に侵害している。
- In violation of China’s own criminal procedure law, the Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court failed to give public notification of the upcoming trials of the first July 5 cases and to hold open, public trials. It is unknown who was allowed to attend the court proceedings, but neither foreign journalists nor international observers were present. In past cases, the authorities have often arbitrarily restricted attendance to sensitive trials, selecting court personnel and civil servants to make up the audience.
- 中国自身の刑事訴訟手続法に違反していたこと。ウルムチ中級人民法院は7月5日事件の予定されている最初の裁判について公示及び公開裁判を行わなかった。誰が裁判手続きの傍聴を許されるのか?については誰も知らず、外国人ジャーナリストも国際的オブザーバーも傍聴しなかった。過去のケースにおいても、当局は度々、慎重に扱うべき裁判への傍聴を恣意的に制限し、傍聴人をでっち上げるために裁判所要員や公務員を選んでいた。
Human Rights Watch, which opposes the death penalty in all cases, also expressed concern about the fate of hundreds more people officially arrested and detained since the riots. Information about their whereabouts remains unclear.
“Chinese authorities failed to keep repeated promises to the public and the international community to hold fair trials, consistent with the law,” said Richardson. “No one should confuse these proceedings with justice.”