
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2011年11月20日 | 日記

My daughter in low went to Okinawa on 19th . She went there with her friends.
Her father took them to the airport at 4:00 AM.
I wish them to spend nice time.
I went to Minamikoyasu Undo Koen.I enjoyed Nokyo Festival.
I bought a big tree.The color is very nice. The weather was bad last night. It was windy.
This morning I saw the tree first. It's OK.
My daughter came home. I want her to spend a nice time.
Now she is hurted. I can't sleep thinking about her.