How to Curb Arrogance
Arrogant people are never aware that they are arrogant. Therefore, even if they hurt others, they have no awareness of it, which is shocking.
In particular, the heads of large organizations are at risk of unwittingly succumbing to arrogance, and any person who is even slightly wise will, and should, have the means to curb that arrogance.
One way to do this is to keep people close to you who will give you admonition. It is said that great rulers in the past kept people close to them who would give them advice, but it is difficult to find such people, so it is important to treasure them. This is because many of the people who surround those in power tend to be small talkers who only use sweet words.
The second method is to acquire the habit of looking at yourself objectively. If you change your perspective and look at things objectively from the perspective of the people around you, you will naturally become less arrogant.