ハリーの別荘には温泉がひいてあります。ブランドン犬はそこで初めての温泉を体験。お湯は変な色だし変な匂いはするしで最初はビビっていたブランドン犬。でも、とてもお風呂好きのわんこなのですぐに慣れて大好きになりました。ハリーの体の上でのーんびーりゆーったり 冷たいジュースが体に沁みます 幸せなお風呂タイム
There is a hot spring in Harry's villa. This is the first hot spring experience of Brandon dog.
Harry「Baby,Don't be afraid.」
Though the beginning was Brandon dog whom it was afraid of, it got accustomed soon, and the hot spring came to like it very much.
Harry「Feel good」
Brandon dog「Feel good」
They feel cold juice to be delicious in the hot spring.Happy time in the bath
There is a hot spring in Harry's villa. This is the first hot spring experience of Brandon dog.
Harry「Baby,Don't be afraid.」
Though the beginning was Brandon dog whom it was afraid of, it got accustomed soon, and the hot spring came to like it very much.
Harry「Feel good」
Brandon dog「Feel good」
They feel cold juice to be delicious in the hot spring.Happy time in the bath