Still Bunji is a stone.
From the voice of Bunji's inside.
Mr.Brandon is a dog like an elegant, graceful prince.
He is a boast of Big guy.
So, I was very careful that he didn't imitate the vulgar wording of rouge brothers in my office.
Bunji「What did you say now?」
Spencer「Sorry,Bro. That was "F"」
However, That was failure.
Do if Big guy sees changed Mr.Brandon?
He will think that everything is my fault.
…to be continued.
Still Bunji is a stone.
From the voice of Bunji's inside.
Mr.Brandon is a dog like an elegant, graceful prince.
He is a boast of Big guy.
So, I was very careful that he didn't imitate the vulgar wording of rouge brothers in my office.
Bunji「What did you say now?」
Spencer「Sorry,Bro. That was "F"」
However, That was failure.
Do if Big guy sees changed Mr.Brandon?
He will think that everything is my fault.
…to be continued.