DEVIAPPLE Let's laugh!!

Kayo's pics and comics blog.

Christmas gift 04

2011年12月11日 21時56分14秒 | My Life as a Dog
慣れない道を歩いたせいか、ブランドン犬とにゃんこリーは道に迷ってしまったようです。そしてしのびよる黒い影…。なんだかとっても危険な雰囲気!! (続く)

Brandon dog and Lee cat lost their way.
Brandon dog and Lee cat"Where is it here? "
and from behind, gangs are pressing!!
Gangs"Hello cute babies....smirk"
Lee cat"Who?......"
Brandon dog and Lee cat are scared.
Oh! No!! They are in a very dangerous situation!!
…to be continued.