
2016-08-25 00:06:51 | English Notes
Recently,we've been having a local downpour in the evening almost every day. Thanks to the rain, I don't need to water the plants. Three days ago, around 3p.m. I saw dark clouds were hanging low, so I thought it was about to rain, and then I went to work. That night, I was too tired to take care of the plants. The next afternoon, I found the plants were dying. I regretted than I hadn't watered the plants before getting to work, and watered them. Yesterday, it was going to be a rainy day. I didn't think it was necessary to water the plants but I did just in case.
Immediately after that, it began to rain but stopped raining soon. Then I drove my son to driving school. He usually takes the school bus. To take the bus, the students need to make a reservation at the reception desk each time. He forgot to do it. On the way, he noticed he forgot to take an umbrella. He was going to come home by bus. The bus stop is a 10 minute walk from our house.
I suggested we place an umbrella, which was in disuse, at the stop. We didn't care if anyone took it. When I brought one to the stop, it was raining cats and dogs. I was satisfied about what I did, and left to get to work. It rained off and on all day long.
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