A new industrial revolution has the potential to significantly change this instability , and if it succeeds, we will move even closer to an economy that does not require labor * 1. If anything, this may lead to a new reexamination of the content of public service . It is conceivable that we will enter an era* 2 in which work that is currently considered public service will be shared . Basic income and work sharing for public and semi-public services. I wonder if its appearance will become roughly similar to that of ancient Greece.
*1 Economy that does not require labor
As AI progresses from special general purpose to general general purpose, There is an opinion that the private sector has C ( creative ) , M (management) , and H (hospitality)and other human resources will be unnecessary. In this case, the only elements input into industry are capital and technological elements. In this case, the extreme hypothesis that humans will receive only profits from the factors of production and spend their leisure time will arise. However, rather than reaching that point, it is likely that some form of work sharing will gradually emerge. This is because work is also one of human needs. One type of industry would be public service or public work.
*2 An era where public affairs are work-sharing
In an age of aging and declining birthrate, many parts of public affairs are institutionally designed by a quasi-market supported by medical insurance and long-term care insurance. However, many of these, including welfare, may have to be supported by public spending for a while. However, apart from such insurance and welfare, there are many public services that are familiar to people's daily lives. Even today, such public duties are still carried out by a relatively small number of people . (For example, a city with a population of 150,000 people may have one or two people in charge of disaster prevention.) However, there is still a need for volunteers in many areas. On the other hand, volunteer service activities can be tedious and restrictive, so I think that public service or public work, including volunteer work, will become a work-sharing occupation. Taking a look at Scandinavia and other countries, it will be necessary to redefine public service and work-sharing as a part of business, in order to create a society in which people can survive on basic income and work-sharing.
Natural disasters, that is, natural disasters, are currently impossible to control, and the only question is whether we can minimize disasters caused by human factors . As for diplomacy, as we discussed in the civilization theory, in order to preserve our unique civilization as quasi-civilizations, it will be necessary for quasi-civilizations that are not major powers to cooperate with each other. It may be desirable to form a kind of federation .
Under the conditions of a new democratic culture and new scholarship that are gradually becoming clearer , the Equalization of human capital* 1 is progressing . At the same time, the generational balance will also move toward artificial equalization *2 . In the long run, the required workforce in private industry may gradually decline . For this reason, it seems that work sharing in public affairs is deeply related to the way people give meaning to their existence. Perhaps we are waiting for a ``mysterious outcome'' in which a new democracy determines the nature of the public ownership of productive power *3 .
*1 the Equalizationof human capital
A new democratic culture collects public opinion directly and unconsciously, so it does not make radical claims compared to elections that collect public opinion indirectly and consciously, and it does not necessarily lead to public opinion favoring the elderly (superficially). (Assuming that they aim for harmony in the long term rather than asserting their own interests), the result is that human capital consisting of men and women of all ages will become equalized. In addition, new scholarship will have to provide knowledge that can serve as the foundation for such a new democratic culture.
*2 Generational balance is also artificially equalized.
It is not enough to simply gather up direct and unconscious public opinion; by summarizing them, a comprehensively desirable picture can be discovered. This will ultimately lead to a balance across generations.
*3 New democracy determines the nature of public ownership of productive power
If a new democracy directly or unconsciously gathers public opinion, what kind of work style will people ultimately prefer? Perhaps they want to be guaranteed employment in a public institution, and on top of that, they want a moderate amount of work. Until now, ``labor'' has been necessary to produce the consumer goods and public goods that humans need. If machines are to replace many of the brains and physical labor, then we will need to create self-governing organizations so that we are not controlled by the machines or those who operate them.
Such a society, so to speak, would be like the former slaves being replaced by machines, and it might become something like the polis of ancient Greece.
The image of ancient Greece is not limited to that. This may lead to the revival of metaphysics in its relationship with synthesis. With the advent of AI, metaphysics, a discipline that imagines synthesis and wholeness, even if it is not backed by rationality or experimentation, may be reconsidered. This is because AI can connect concepts that are completely unpredictable, and in order for humans to catch up, humans themselves must improve their ability to connect concepts more intuitively.
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