This is our report of last week.
120,000 people are still being suffered from the disaster...
Our plan was to carry fresh fruits from south of Japan
to north of Japan, for the victim of Tsunami.
The farmer decided to gave all of their organic oranges
to the people suffering disaster.
19th wednesday 2011
We started to drive from Tsukude high land (here)
to Ikuchi island (south west of Japan) and pick up ton of oranges.
Then we drove to Miyagi prefecture where the Tsunami hit.
All the way from Tsukude to Ikuchi island and Miyagi,
the distance was 2,600km
We picked and picked and picked...all day long at the orange field.
Leon Cloder working in the orange farm.
The oranges are delicious because of the sunny climate.
The reflecting sunlight from the sea and the wind from the sea makes it more and more fine.
Fresh from the orange field.
Then we drive high way all night long with the fresh fine oranges...
20th April, 2011 12:43:25
We arrived at village office "Tome" at first
and we visited a shelter.
At a first glance, they smiled finding the fresh fruits.
They had been wanted to eat fresh foods, but it's very difficult to get,
because they have NO money...
They can't go anywhere by themselves and can't buy anything they need or they want.
You know Japanese government and JAPAN RED CROSS haven't gave them money yet.
They keep donation money until they finish reserching of every damages.
The research will take 1 year or's too late!!
They have "No money". It is one of their biggest problem.
They even don't have their private spaces, houses, cars, phones, jobs....everything.
Next shelter(refuge) we visited was a abolished elementary school.
All the class room was for their private room.
20th April, 2011 15:31:47
Next place, "Minamisanriku village office" .
Almost of all the staffs are volunteers who came far from here.
Almost of all of "Minamisanriku" town inhabitants are dead and they lost their home.
So they couldn't stay there any longer...they moved to other towns,
looking for other place to live.
Big stock space, supplied from all over the world.
People come this warehouse to pick up foods or something they need.
He told us,
"People really need fresh fruits and vegetables, but it's very rare here.
Thanks for these oranges.
They will be happy!"
Over one month goes by from the great earthquake and
gigantic tsunami disaster and more the dreadful accident
of Fukushima nuclear power plants.
Nothing gets better in Japan.
Over 15,000 peoples dead, over 15,000 peoples missing.
No home, no electric power, no water, no hope in
that area.
I am very busy myself with relief operation.
I drove my car to the west and east over 1000km in a day.
We should be to cooperate each another in one.
I will do my best to the hopeful Japan.
Building up sustainable life all over the world is more
precious than anything else.
No nuclear power,
Loving nature,
Living with and in the nature,
No chemical life,
It's a time to come.
This mid-night, 5 of us, of course will start to
500km west small island on the
inlandsea to pick up ton of citras fruits.
And next night, we will drive to 1,100km north east
damaged district being fully loaded with them in a truck.
Leon Cloder
The orange farm owner ( 2 of left ) who raise the fruits
to the people suffering the disaster.
And Leon Cloder ( right )