Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Capitalism is a Death Game

It's absurd to now say to the citizens, "be prepared to fight." 

I thought the rulers were mocking the people. 

Right now, the Japanese are fighting for their survival every day, not in war, but in an unjustly expanding wealth gap caused by the negligence of those in power.

Now, the world consists not only of liberal democracies but also socialist and communist countries, all under the umbrella of a "market economy." 

The global economy is dominated by "capitalism." 

Moreover, this capitalist society drives economic growth through pushing individuals to their limits and forcing competition, a survival of the fittest mentality.

The lazy are at a disadvantage, and even the diligent, those born with less fortunate parents, those with lesser abilities or strength, or those who tried but failed – they all fall one after another due to competition. 

This is beyond the level of being considered normal. 

In such a capitalist society, those citizens fighting every day have no business being told to "be prepared to fight."

Especially, this shouldn't be said to hereditary politicians who owe their position to family connections. 

Even in the Western democracies that emphasize freedom and equality, dictatorship and inequality by the winners of competition are natural in the face of capitalism. 

That's the essence of capitalism, for better or worse.

However, even those who lose in this competitive capitalism are still owners of the "vote" that upholds democracy. 

They cannot be ignored.

Hence, some level of support for survival becomes necessary. 

I'd like to say, "stop making fun of them," but that's capitalism.

However, even the losers of competition are human beings. 

If they are neglected, eventually their patience will run out. 

If that happens, not only the deterioration of public safety and the occurrence of terrorism, but also the risk of violent revolution emerges.

Therefore, there's a need to care for those who have been pushed out of competition and provide them with safety nets and reeducation, enabling them to re-enter the competition. 

Calling it "sending them back into competition" might sound harsh, but this is the utmost compassion within the realm of capitalism.

In any case, unless one succeeds in capitalist competition, nothing is gained. 

It's necessary to use wisdom and mercilessly crush opponents. 

The origin of capitalism as a death game lies here.

For the losers of this kind of death game, political perspectives diverge between those who view it as self-responsibility and those who consider it society's responsibility.

Furthermore, regarding the outcomes of competition and the resulting disparities, there are various political ideologies, whether one considers them inevitable or unacceptable.

It's fine as long as hereditary politicians are speaking to the citizens about being prepared to fight.

How many politicians in Japan are truly aware that the target of the citizens' "determination to fight" might eventually become the very rulers themselves?






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