Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

The Illusion of Freedom for the Losers of Capitalism

The Losers of Capitalism Have No Connection to Freedom and Democracy. 

Do They Understand That When They Fight "for Freedom," They Are Actually Fighting for the "Freedom of the Rulers and Establishment"?

It became clear during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

In this world, only the rulers and establishment (dominant class) of military powers like the US, China, and Russia can truly enjoy freedom.

Ultimately, it is evident that even if strong nations trample over weaker ones, the weak nations are completely powerless, no matter how much they gather for sanctions or protests.

The majority of people in weak nations or even in strong nations who are part of the dominated class are forced to tread carefully, testing their loyalty to the rulers and dominant class within the limits of their survival.

Moreover, these loyalty tests, in the event of any missteps, can potentially result in exclusion from the realm of survival.

In the first place, democracy is nothing more than a "festival" to release the pent-up frustration of the dominated class.

Do the majority of the dominated class around the world understand that when they fight "for freedom," they are actually fighting for the "freedom of the rulers and dominant class"?

Capitalism has eradicated all ideologies and has ultimately become the domain of "the winners of capitalism," leaving freedom and democracy in their hands alone.

The majority of the "losers of capitalism" have no connection to freedom and democracy.

I want to say to the youth:

Unless you rise and succeed within countries, corporations, or organizations, you won't attain freedom.

Even in liberal democratic nations, unless you are content being part of the dominated class, you cannot truly enjoy freedom.

Unless you acknowledge the fact that for the winners of capitalism, be it America, China, or Russia, it is heaven, but for the losers, it is hell, you cannot pave your path to freedom.






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