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英語講師の留学経験 (トロントでの寒い冬の楽しみ方)

2010-11-15 08:18:18 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Hi, good morning!
Today's topic is "my study abroad experience - how to enjoy severe cold winter in Toronto!"
The previous episode of "my favorite place to walk in Toronto" is here:
When I ask a question about the image of Canada, I hear almost everyone say "cold."
Well, that's true in a way.
(FYI: Even though Toronto is located in the most southern part of Canada, it's as cold as Hokkaido.)
However, there are a lot of ways to enjoy "cold winter in Toronto, Canada!"
One of the most popular winter activities is "ice skating!"
In Toronto, there are some outdoor ice skating places, such as in front of the City Hall and Harbourfront Center, which is next to Lake Ontario.
The admission fee is free of charge, so if you have ice skates, basically you can enjoy ice skating anytime for free!!
If you don't have ice skates, don't worry!!
There is a place for you to get ice skates nearby.
Ice skating is of course, good exerce and also a great spot for a fun date!!
If you have a chance to visit Toronto in winter, try ice skating!!

This is a picture from Harbourfront Center



前回の“英語講師の留学経験 - 英語講師の留学経験 (散歩でリラックス in Toronto)”はこちら:




*上記の写真はHarbourfront Centerというオンタリオ湖に面した屋外スケート場です。



それでは今日の英語での一言(貸しスケート靴を借りる場合):"May I have 7 inch (skates)?"

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