Good morning!
Thank you for your time to check out this English Plus' blog!!
Today, I'd like to report this past week since opening.
Last Saturday at 10 a.m. English Plus opened and one week has already passed.
A lot of flowers and some people including friends visited us.
Last Sunday, I went to Junkudo to teach English to kids.
This past Monday, it was kind of a real opening day and regular English course started!
From Tuesday to Friday, there weren't as many customers for our English Environment cafe as we first expected.
(It's because we didn't advertise enough before opening day...)
However, there were a few visitors for English school to take trial lessons or get some information!
Currently, there are not many students for English school, so if you want to take advantage of having almost one-to-one style lesson, now is the chance!
Any trial lessons are available now!!

English school(英語学校)
本日は“English Plusオープン1週間経過の様子”です。
先週の土曜日10時にEnglish Plusがオープンし、一週間が経過しました。
日曜日はEnglish Plusは定休日ということもあり、午前中に渋谷のジュンク堂書店へ行き楽しくキッズ英語レッスンをしてきました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't be shy!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Thank you for your time to check out this English Plus' blog!!
Today, I'd like to report this past week since opening.
Last Saturday at 10 a.m. English Plus opened and one week has already passed.
A lot of flowers and some people including friends visited us.
Last Sunday, I went to Junkudo to teach English to kids.
This past Monday, it was kind of a real opening day and regular English course started!
From Tuesday to Friday, there weren't as many customers for our English Environment cafe as we first expected.
(It's because we didn't advertise enough before opening day...)
However, there were a few visitors for English school to take trial lessons or get some information!
Currently, there are not many students for English school, so if you want to take advantage of having almost one-to-one style lesson, now is the chance!
Any trial lessons are available now!!

English school(英語学校)
本日は“English Plusオープン1週間経過の様子”です。
先週の土曜日10時にEnglish Plusがオープンし、一週間が経過しました。
日曜日はEnglish Plusは定休日ということもあり、午前中に渋谷のジュンク堂書店へ行き楽しくキッズ英語レッスンをしてきました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Don't be shy!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!