Good morning and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about one of the characteristics at our English school.
At our English school, there are some things we are trying to support our students.
In our English lessons, we're trying to make a lot of students' talking time!
In the lesson, they can practice English a lot so they sometimes make grammatical & vocabulary mistakes; however, they don't have to worry about making mistakes.
It's because we have environment that students can make mistakes during the lesson!
Also, at the end of each lesson, we give a feedback, so they can notice their mistakes by themselves!
Beginners are always welcome since there are several lessons available for them to take.
Beginners tend to be shy about making mistakes during lessons, but don't worry about making mistakes here at English Plus!
We know "we can learn from our mistakes!!"

At English Plus Cafe, Coffee with fresh cream available
English Plusカフェでは今、ウィンナーコーヒーあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“レッスンにおける生徒の方の英語力向上の7つの取り組み - その6.間違えても恥ずかしくない&初心者もOK”です。
話す時間が多いこともあり、生徒の方が話している中で文法・語彙の間違いをすることもあるのですが、基本的にEnglish Plusでは“文法・語彙の間違いを恐れず、トライする”ことをすすめています。
English Plusのレッスンでは、間違えても恥ずかしくないレッスンの環境があるので、英語に真剣に取り組みたい初心者の方や久々に英語に触れる方にもおすすめです。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"We can learn from our own mistakes!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Today, I'd like to write about one of the characteristics at our English school.
At our English school, there are some things we are trying to support our students.
In our English lessons, we're trying to make a lot of students' talking time!
In the lesson, they can practice English a lot so they sometimes make grammatical & vocabulary mistakes; however, they don't have to worry about making mistakes.
It's because we have environment that students can make mistakes during the lesson!
Also, at the end of each lesson, we give a feedback, so they can notice their mistakes by themselves!
Beginners are always welcome since there are several lessons available for them to take.
Beginners tend to be shy about making mistakes during lessons, but don't worry about making mistakes here at English Plus!
We know "we can learn from our mistakes!!"

At English Plus Cafe, Coffee with fresh cream available
English Plusカフェでは今、ウィンナーコーヒーあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“レッスンにおける生徒の方の英語力向上の7つの取り組み - その6.間違えても恥ずかしくない&初心者もOK”です。
話す時間が多いこともあり、生徒の方が話している中で文法・語彙の間違いをすることもあるのですが、基本的にEnglish Plusでは“文法・語彙の間違いを恐れず、トライする”ことをすすめています。
English Plusのレッスンでは、間違えても恥ずかしくないレッスンの環境があるので、英語に真剣に取り組みたい初心者の方や久々に英語に触れる方にもおすすめです。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"We can learn from our own mistakes!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!