Good morning and thank you for your time to visit English Plus blog.
Today, I'd like to introduce a new course for kids.
We started Sunday kids lesson at Maruzen/Junkudo bookstore in Shibuya last August.
Since then, quite a lot of kids have joined the lesson and I'm glad to hear some positive comments from them and their parents!!
Through this period of time, we've also got some requests about kids lesson.
After we got some requests, I talked about starting kids lesson at English Plus with our staff members and we've decided to start a new course "Kids English lesson" from May!
The aim of this course is that the kids will learn and master basic 3000 English words!
The new lesson is designed for between 5 years old and 10 years old.
Kids can enjoy learning and mastering basic English vocabulary without memorizing because they can master it naturally through a variety of fun games!!
After lesson, we're going to give each kid vocabulary cards that can be used at home with parents to enjoy reviewing vocabulary!!
Also, after lesson we're going to tell their parents how to use cards and how to enjoy learning English with kids!!
The lesson is once a week and it's from 5:00 to 5:30 on Fridays.
The maximum number of kids in a class is 4, however, if there are brothers and sisters, the numbers might change.
We're hoping that the first lesson starts from May 18th!
Currently we are giving a school tour so if you are interested, please visit us at your convenience between 10AM and 8PM.
Also, you can send us e-mail or call us!
Original Komeko (rice flour) pancake available at English Plus Cafe
English Plus カフェでは新メニューの米粉パンケーキあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
日曜日のキッズレッスンを始めて以来、かなりたくさんのお子様に参加していただくことができ、また、いろいろと貴重なご意見や評判、English Plusでのキッズレッスン開講に対するリクエストもお聞きすることができました。
English Plusでのキッズレッスン開講に関してスタッフといろいろと検討した結果、5月からキッズレッスンを開始することにしました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's enjoy learning English!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
![にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ](
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Today, I'd like to introduce a new course for kids.
We started Sunday kids lesson at Maruzen/Junkudo bookstore in Shibuya last August.
Since then, quite a lot of kids have joined the lesson and I'm glad to hear some positive comments from them and their parents!!
Through this period of time, we've also got some requests about kids lesson.
After we got some requests, I talked about starting kids lesson at English Plus with our staff members and we've decided to start a new course "Kids English lesson" from May!
The aim of this course is that the kids will learn and master basic 3000 English words!
The new lesson is designed for between 5 years old and 10 years old.
Kids can enjoy learning and mastering basic English vocabulary without memorizing because they can master it naturally through a variety of fun games!!
After lesson, we're going to give each kid vocabulary cards that can be used at home with parents to enjoy reviewing vocabulary!!
Also, after lesson we're going to tell their parents how to use cards and how to enjoy learning English with kids!!
The lesson is once a week and it's from 5:00 to 5:30 on Fridays.
The maximum number of kids in a class is 4, however, if there are brothers and sisters, the numbers might change.
We're hoping that the first lesson starts from May 18th!
Currently we are giving a school tour so if you are interested, please visit us at your convenience between 10AM and 8PM.
Also, you can send us e-mail or call us!
Original Komeko (rice flour) pancake available at English Plus Cafe
English Plus カフェでは新メニューの米粉パンケーキあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
日曜日のキッズレッスンを始めて以来、かなりたくさんのお子様に参加していただくことができ、また、いろいろと貴重なご意見や評判、English Plusでのキッズレッスン開講に対するリクエストもお聞きすることができました。
English Plusでのキッズレッスン開講に関してスタッフといろいろと検討した結果、5月からキッズレッスンを開始することにしました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's enjoy learning English!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
![にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ](
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!