Good morning and thank you for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I’d like to share a positive message especially for those who are taking the TOEIC test next Sunday.
The one I'd like to introduce today is by Wayne Walter Dyer, who is an American author.
Here is his quote:
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
Please do what you should do now and do the best next Sunday!
Kids lesson at Maruzen/Junkudo Bookstore in Shibuya from 11:00 next Sunday, Sep 16th!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
来週に迫ったTOEIC公開テストの今日はアメリカの作家であるWayne Walter Dyerのポジティブなひとことを紹介したいと思います。
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Do your best!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Today, I’d like to share a positive message especially for those who are taking the TOEIC test next Sunday.
The one I'd like to introduce today is by Wayne Walter Dyer, who is an American author.
Here is his quote:
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
Please do what you should do now and do the best next Sunday!
Kids lesson at Maruzen/Junkudo Bookstore in Shibuya from 11:00 next Sunday, Sep 16th!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
来週に迫ったTOEIC公開テストの今日はアメリカの作家であるWayne Walter Dyerのポジティブなひとことを紹介したいと思います。
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Do your best!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!