Good morning and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to tell you happy news from one of our ex-students!
The other day, one of our ex-students suddenly visited us.
We didn't expect her sudden visit, so we were very surprised!
The reason she visited us was to tell us great news!
She told us that her dream to work as a flight attendant finally came true!
We knew her dream when she was taking English lessons at English Plus, so we were very happy for her!
What I learned from her this time was "learning English with having a high motivation to achieve something is very important!"
To assist our students to achieve each of their goals and dreams, I will keep doing the best that I can!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
English Plusに通ってくださっている時から、当人の夢を知っていた経緯もあり、自分たちにとってもとても嬉しいニュースとなりました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Never give up on yourself!”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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Today, I'd like to tell you happy news from one of our ex-students!
The other day, one of our ex-students suddenly visited us.
We didn't expect her sudden visit, so we were very surprised!
The reason she visited us was to tell us great news!
She told us that her dream to work as a flight attendant finally came true!
We knew her dream when she was taking English lessons at English Plus, so we were very happy for her!
What I learned from her this time was "learning English with having a high motivation to achieve something is very important!"
To assist our students to achieve each of their goals and dreams, I will keep doing the best that I can!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
English Plusに通ってくださっている時から、当人の夢を知っていた経緯もあり、自分たちにとってもとても嬉しいニュースとなりました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Never give up on yourself!”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!