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English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

意外と知らない日常の身近な英語 - 浴室での英語表現

2012-10-31 08:22:02 | すぐに使える英語 - 英語表現
Good morning and thanks a lot for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, let's learn some daily English expressions about a bath.
When I was taking a bath the other day, this blog's topic came into my mind.
There are a lot of actions in the bathroom but some of them are not so familiar in English, so today let's learn about them!
For instance...
・I wash my hair.
・I put conditioner on my hair.
・I rub (or scrub) my body.
・I rinse off the soap.
・I soak in the bathtub.
・I read a book in the bathtub.
・I get out of the bathtub.
・I dry off with a towel.
When you take a bath today, why don't you check your actions in English?

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“意外と知らない日常の身近な英語 - 浴室での英語表現”です。





・I wash my hair. (髪を洗う)

・I put conditioner on my hair. (髪にコンディショナーをつける)

・I rub (or scrub) my body. (体をこする)

・I rinse off the soap. (せっけんを洗い流す)

・I soak in the bathtub. (浴槽につかる)

・I read a book in the bathtub. (お風呂につかりながら本を読む)

・I get out of the bathtub. (浴槽から出る)

・I dry off with a towel. (タオルで体を乾かす)


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's learn English from daily life!"

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