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最近の話題を英語で言ってみよう - ノーベル賞に関する英語

2012-10-12 08:14:30 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
Good morning and thank you so much for visiting English Plus blog.
Today, let’s learn some English related to a current topic in Japan.
Novel Prize winners have been announced recently.
A few days ago, I heard that a Japanese physician, Shinya Yamanaka, won Novel Prize!
He was the 19th Japanese Nobel Prize winner and that was great news!
Actually, Mr. Yamanaka won "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."
There are some other Nobel prizes and today let's learn about them in English.
・The Nobel Prize in Physics
・The Nobel Prize in Chemistry
・The Nobel Prize in Literature
・The Nobel Peace Prize
・The Prize in Economic Sciences
You might talk about Nobel Prize in the near future, so you should remember just in case!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“最近の話題を英語で言ってみよう - ノーベル賞に関する英語”です。






・The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (ノーベル医学生理学賞)

・The Nobel Prize in Physics (ノーベル物理学賞)

・The Nobel Prize in Chemistry (ノーベル化学賞)

・The Nobel Prize in Literature (ノーベル文学賞)

・The Nobel Peace Prize (ノーベル平和賞)

・The Prize in Economic Sciences (ノーベル経済学賞)



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