東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

英語初心者の方の英語学習はまずこれから!よく使われている動詞50個をマスターしよう!(26位~50位 英語編)

2021-06-18 08:39:44 | 英語初級者のための英語学習&トレーニング
Rise and shine! Thank you very much for your time to stop by English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

【English Plusからのお知らせ 】
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(高校生以上の大人向け最大4名までの90分グループレッスン、小学生向け・中学生向け最大4名までの60分グループレッスンなど)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。詳しくは>English Plusの公式ホームページからお気軽にご相談ください。最高な英語教育サービスを提供します。

Today, let's learn and practice some basic English.
There are a wide variety of lessons available at English Plus, and one of the most popular lessons is "Conversation".
In this lesson, the students can learn and practice basic English vocabulary, grammar, expressions, and pronunciation for English communication.
The aim of our Conversation lessons is that students master some basic English skills, and gain confidence to communicate in English.
Through the lessons, students learn fundamental vocabulary, grammar points, and so on, and after that they have enough time to practice using what they learn during lessons.
It might take some time to master basic English skills; however, we try to support our students by offering lessons regularly and constant self-study support.
If they take lessons regularly and do self-study constantly in their free time, they can improve English skills a lot faster than we expect.
Anyway, during our Conversation lessons, our students can learn a lot of basic English grammar, and one of the most important points to master is "verbs."
We understand that beginner English learners have difficulty mastering verbs, so today, let's learn some verbs.
Now, let's check the second most frequently used 25 verbs listed below, and read them out loud if possible. (If you don't know the meaning of the word below, you should look it up in your dictionary.)

26. leave
27. put
28. mean
29. keep
30. let
31. begin
32. seem
33. help
34. talk
35. turn
36. start
37. show
38. hear
39. play
40. run
41. move
42. like
43. live
44. believe
45. hold
46. bring
47. happen
48. write
49. provide
50. sit

When you have time, let's make sentences with each verb above.
If you are a student at English Plus, we're happy to support your self-study.
Please try to make even one sentence, and show it to us when you have a lesson.
If you are interested in learning English with us, check out English Plus' Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「happen」に関する記事一覧

今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's study and practice English little by little every day!"

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