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英検一級 英会話 第二年部 英語意味 日本語英語 日記

2023-01-25 05:31:34 | 日記


Peru's Guano Boom
When Peru achieved its independence from Spain in the 1820s,it was beset by economic woes.The hard-fought war for freedom had damaged the trade in silver between the two countries,leading to Peru's country.
The conflict had also put the country in massive debt to British bankers,from whom the Peruvian government had borrowed heavily for two decades following independence,`Peru was eventually handed a glimmer of hope in the from of an unlikely resource:seabird manure.
This waste product,known as guano,had accumulated in enormous mounds on the Chincha Islands off the country's coast.
Its shores,drenched in nourishing waters flowing from the Pacific Ocean and teeming with various marine species,attracted a large predatory bird population.
The combination of cool ocean currents and warm tropical air created an exceedingly arid environment,ensuring that the abundant nutrients naturally present in the guano were not dispersed by precipitation.The particularly high nitrogen content in guano,in fact,is what made the waste material an ideal fertilizer.
Indigenous peoples had been using the guano sustainably such for centuries ,carefully timing its extraction from the islands so as not to disturb the seabird populations and penalizing anyone who harmed the birds during mating season with death.
Guano was not widely appreciated in Europe,however,until 1838,when two businessmen in Peru sent samples to Britain,where farmers soon noted its effect on depleted soil.
The surge in demand for good food caused by an enormous population boom had led to unsustainable farming practices,while the population shift from rural to urban areas driven by industrialization meant human waste wound up in cities rather than being returned to farmland to be used as had previously been the case.
Guano proved a magic bullet to invigorate the degraded soil.
By 1841,trade in the product between Peru and Britain was well underway,ushering in the Guano Age.The Peruvian government enjoyed a monopoly over the Chincha Islands' Guano,but the fcountry lacked both the capital and the expertise to effectively manage international shipping and sales.
Consequently,these were consigned to British merchants,who received a substantial commission for their efforts.
Furthermore,payment was not rendered to the Peruvian government until transactions were finalized--a rather lengthly process considering that loading one ship could take well over a month.
This drove Peru to borrow further from British creditors--who,product--and pay them back with interest using money earned from the sales.The benefit of drawing out this process were not lost on the merchants.who were soon profiting more from granting advances to the Nevertheless,the partnership bolstered Peru's standing with made potential lenders hesitant to risk their capital on loans to the government.
The control over Peru's guano revenue excised by the wealthy,reputable British merchants,however,instilled confidence that the country could be trusted to make good on its debts opening up Peru's access to capital markets abroad.
By the late 1850s,the export of hundreds of thousands of tons of guano annually to foreign countries was contributing over thee,quarters of Peru's national revenue,yet the country remained in of revenue from the country,the Peruvian government encouraged special business concessions.British companies maintained their large degree of control,however,by simply entering into partnerships with Peruvian firms,resulting in the continued flow of capital out of Peru.
Spurred on by the access to loans afforded the country on the basis of the seemingly constant stream of guano revenue,the borrowing.
Rampant corruption among the ruling class only made matters worse,and although much money had been poured into various public projects,little had been spent on efforts to diversify and stabilize the economy in the long term.
The guano-driven "prosperity" Peru enjoyed eventually Proved painfully finite.
Ravaged by the guano trade,the Chincha Islands' once-gigantic mounds of manure that had formed over thousands of year were almost depleted by the 1870s,and the seabirds relied on for replenishing the supply had been largely driven away or killed after decades of incessant extraction.
The shortage spelled economic disaster for Peru,whose lack of economic prudence left it no better off after the Guano boom than it had been before it.Swedish historian.

日記 英検一級英語 英会話 英文

2023-01-25 05:19:10 | 日記

The Evolution of awe
While it is easy to imagine that an emotion such as fear might have evolved to help humans avoid physical danger,or that love fosters interdependent relationships hat increase one's chances of scratchings their heads.
In recent decades,however,researchers,such as the University of Pennsylvania's David Yaden have come up with potential explanations for why awe developed.
Awe can be evoked by positive or negative experiences -- a magnificent landscape,for example,or negative experiences -- a magnificent landscape,for creates feelings of connectedness.
Yaden's research gas supported this claim by providing evidence of a correlation between awe4 and things like social bonding.
He therefore suggests that the emotion must be linked to human survival,possibly having evolved to facilitate group cohesion.
Yaden speculates that in our primitive past,awe may also have reflected humans' desire for safety.
Our fondness for magnificent views is obvious in our but our primitive ancestors may have sought them out for other reasons too.
The ability to spot approaching predators or adversaries,and the defensive potential offered by elevated positions,could have contributed to human beings( attraction to spectacular scenery.
University suggests that awe could have evolved for a different describe memories of times when they had experienced awe or some positive emotion like happiness.
The study tasked them with reading argumentative essays in favor of an unpopular opinion,and the researchers assumed that participants who agreed with the esssays must have been successfully persuaded by the arguments.
Some of the essays contained feeble arguments,while others were meant to be h highly convincing.
It was found that those participants who had describe awe were much better able to see problems with the feeble arguments than those who described other emotions.
Shiota therefore concluded that awe aids people in processing information critically.
If this research is correct,then it appears that developing our sense of awe may have demonstrable benefits in everyday life.

英検一級 英会話 第二年部 英語意味 日本語英語 日記

2023-01-25 03:17:13 | 日記


ペルーが 1820 年代にスペインからの独立を達成したとき、経済的苦境に悩まされていました。自由のための激しい戦争は、ペルーの国につながる 2 つの国間の銀の貿易に損害を与えました。
紛争はまた、ペルー政府が独立後の 20 年間、多額の借金をしてきた英国の銀行家たちに巨額の債務を負わせていました。グアノとして知られるこの廃棄物は、国の海岸沖のチンチャ諸島の巨大な山に蓄積されていました.
その海岸は、太平洋から流れる栄養豊富な水に浸かり、さまざまな海洋生物が生息しており、多くの捕食鳥の群れを引き付けてきました。冷たい海流と温暖な熱帯の空気の組み合わせは、非常に乾燥した環境を作り出し、グアノに自然に存在する豊富な栄養素が降水によって分散されないようにしました.実際、グアノの特に高い窒素含有量は、廃棄物を理想的な肥料。先住民族は何世紀にもわたってグアノを持続的に利用しており、海鳥の個体数を乱さないように慎重に島からの採集のタイミングを計り、交尾期に鳥を傷つけた者には死の罰を与えていました。グアノはヨーロッパでは広く評価されていませんでしたが、1838 年にペルーの 2 人のビジネスマンが英国にサンプルを送ったとき、農家はすぐに枯渇した土壌への影響に気づきました。巨大な人口ブームによって引き起こされたおいしい食べ物への需要の急増は、持続不可能な農業慣行につながりました。一方、工業化によって農村部から都市部へ人口が移動したことで、人間の排泄物が農地に戻されてそのまま使用されるのではなく、都市に巻き上げられました。以前はそうでした。グアノは、劣化した土壌を活性化する魔法の弾丸であることが証明されました.1841 年までに、ペルーと英国の間で製品の貿易が順調に進み、グアノ時代が始まりました。ペルー政府は、チンチャ諸島のグアノを独占していましたが、国は国際海運を効果的に管理するための資本と専門知識の両方を欠いていました。販売。その結果、これらはイギリスの商人に委託され、彼らの努力に対してかなりの手数料を受け取りました。さらに、取引が完了するまでペルー政府への支払いは行われませんでした。これは、1 隻の船に積み込むのに 1 か月以上かかることを考えると、かなり長いプロセスでした。これにより、ペルーは英国の債権者からさらに借金をするようになりました。彼らは製品であり、販売から得たお金を使用して利息を付けて返済しました。それにもかかわらず、パートナーシップはペルーの地位を強化し、潜在的な貸し手は政府への融資で資本を危険にさらすことを躊躇しました。しかし、裕福で評判の良いイギリスの商人によって摘出されたペルーのグアノ収入の管理は、ペルーが海外の資本市場へのアクセスを開く債務を返済することが信頼できるという自信を植え付けました.外国への年間数十万トンのグアノの輸出は、ペルーの国の収入の4分の3以上に貢献していましたが、それでも国は国からの収入にとどまり、ペルー政府は特別なビジネス譲歩を奨励しました。しかし、企業はペルーの企業とパートナーシップを結ぶだけで大きな支配力を維持し、その結果、ペルーからの資本流出が続いた。一見一定のグアノ収入の流れに基づいて国に提供されたローンへのアクセスに拍車がかかり、借入が行われました。
The guano-driven "prosperity" Peru enjoyed eventually Proved painfully finite.ペルーが最終的に享受したグアノ主導の「繁栄」は、痛ましいほど有限であることが証明されました。グアノ貿易によって荒廃したチンチャ諸島の巨大な厩肥の山は、何千年にもわたって形成され、1870 年代にはほとんど枯渇し、供給を補充するために頼っていた海鳥は、何十年にもわたる絶え間ない取引の後に大部分が追い払われるか、殺されました。抽出。グアノの不足はペルーに経済的災難をもたらした.経済的慎重さの欠如により、グアノブームの後もそれ以前の状態よりも良くなることはなかった.スウェーデンの歴史家.