bloken english below.
昨年末に田辺剛さんの新しい劇団 fullsize の「微熱ガーデン」をスペースイサンまで観に行きました。
会場では関西トラックメイカーズ主宰の芝田修兵さんと出会い、歓談しているうちにoval本人が登場。機材はPC一台とmidiコントローラーらしきものとミキサーとインターフェイスのみ。そして軽く手を挙げてそれまでDJをしていたKenichi Itoiさんに合図を送ってスタート!怒濤のoval流ポップソング。
At the end of last year, I went to see Space Isan " BINETU Garden" of Tuyoshi Tanabe's new company "fullsize".
This work is comparatively easier to understand than "the play that changes depending on the imagination of the audience" that I felt in Tanabe's work.
It was a story depicting the difficulty of young girl who are raising illegal herbs due to various circumstance such as money. Isaw it very interestingly. The girls who look like wealthy, but the fact are terrible. As the play went on I felt very pleasure. The imagination was not requested, it was a work that the contents are transmitted directly.
And I went to see oval at Kyoto metro.
Meeting Syuhei Shibata of Kansai track makers, OVAL appeared. Eqipment is only PC etc. Then lighty raise hand and send a cue and the raging OVAL flow popsong start! A serious of fragments of intense sound overlap and become one piece of music. What I was surprised with that play one song at a time. Even if there is space between songs, he started sending the next song. There is interesting beat. I thought that it was music that can't expressed with L,R, speaker. He gave a tremendous power.
Kyoto is interesting, I will go to various live!