1月8日に神戸アートビレッジセンターにて観た、to R mansionの "The Wonderful Parade"は大道芸的な作品で、楽しい気持ちにさせる仕掛けがいっぱいでした。暗い舞台で視覚トリックを多用しているので、手が人の体から離れていったりするシーンは思わず息をのみました。照明デザインはパスカル ラージリというフリップ・ジャンティ・カンパニーもかかわっている方で、ヨーロッパの舞台の力を目の当たりにしました。子供連れのお客さんがとっても多く、出演者と会場とのやりとりがあって微笑ましく、隣同士のお客さんとも仲良しになれそうな雰囲気でほほがゆるみました。
I will introduce some of the stage work from January.
"The Wonderful Parade" of to R mansion, which I saw at the Kobe Art Village Center on January 8, was a street performer work and was full of gimmicks that make me feel happy. I was surprised at the scene where hands are getting away from the human body with heavy use of visual tricks in a dark stage. The lighiting design was also involved in the Compagnie Philippe Genty called Pascal Raajili, and I saw the power of the stage in Europe. There were so many customerswith children, there was interaction between the performers and the venue, it was a smile and it was an atomsphere that makes friends with neighboring customers.
SIKIKAI "flower, smell like" I saw on 28th January. There is somewhat relived thing about the story of a man and a woman in a red-light district that appears in the Showa film and TV drama. There theater which remodeled the small space inthe apartment was hot with the elderly costomers and it was a very interesting experience for me.