broken english is below.
1月28日におこなわれましたayami yasuyhoの新作、『EMPTY』は無事終了しました。
今週末の25日に、呼吸のダンス ワークショップを開催します。今回はワークショップ後の公演はありません。ですので私たちもゆっくりと来てくださった受講生と時間を過ごせそうです。
A new work of ayami yasuyho "EMPTY" is end on January 28.
We made many improvised dances to make this work. During our free time, we moved the body anywhere and kept going out the movements coming out of the body. We have put out the essence chosen from the assembly to "EMPTY". We were never in perfect condition. But we danced with full use of the ability left in the body. We finished the "EMPTY" which is completed with giving top priority to conveying the work to our audiences with full power. Now, we strongly feel that we want to see more crystals of this energy.
On this weekend sunday, we'll hold "Breathing Dance WS". There is no performance. We can spend relaxing time with students. This WS is not difficult. To this WS, many people came to feel that I wanted to change myself. I'd like you to come see me.Our works was made from breathing practicing at the workshop.
We are trying to change everyday. If you have such a feeling, let's do a WS that starts with breathing with us. Still have a vacancy, so please contact me if you are interested. We look forward to having you join us!