2015年1月 7日/14日/21日 /28日(水曜日)
TEL 078-251-4731
料金 各1回 1500円 一ヶ月通し5000円
予約・問い合わせ ayamiyasuyho.ay@gmail.com
もしくは 090-9165-0871(アキノリ)
講師 秋紀芳慧(あきのり よしえ)
performance group 『ayami yasuyho』主宰。
サポートアシスタント ダンスミストレス 栃本あずさ
企画。制作 o-th
To create works with your body, such as ballet, dance and theater. To create works using the body music, and paintings.
To move freely, "his own body", it is necessary to stare into the breathing of its own moving, feel more deeply the body of its own, we will treat it carefully.
Will hold a workshop in order to meet the body of the only such own.
It does not matter, such as experience. If those interested in the body, please come by all means persons who are creative activities not only stage activities. Let's study together feel and body of their own, the space surrounding me, the body that can be used freely such themselves.
● I to 0 body
● I explore the tension and relax your body
● I will carefully breathing
● Find and stand on the force required, to walk
● to create a body that can do anything of before doing anything else
● I stare at the original body of its own
Wed 18:30 to 20:30 on the 7th/ 14th/ 21th/ 28th
2015 January
(18:00 Doors open at reception)
Place Komisuta Kobe 401
〒 651-0076
Chuo-ku, Kobe Azuma 4-chome, 1-6
TEL 078-251-4731
Once each 1500 yen fee
passed through one month 5000 yen
ayamiyasuyho.ay @ gmail.com
Or 090-9165-0871 (Akinori)
Yoshie Akinori (performer Sound Artist)
It has an interest in the physical expression of the performer from the noise band, learn ballet, jazz dance, HIPHOP, contemporary dance, dance, and theater from Noh. The build up Mezotto to rebuild themselves from the relationship of the body and breath while making the performance of the original work.
performance group "ayami yasuyho" presided.
Notable works "a'y.", "W", "dismantling (ver0.00 & 1.00")
Support Assistant Dance Mistress Tochimoto Azusa
Planning. Production o-th