From today, the Australia team has been sent. Let's pray for them. For the latest news is from above URL.
From today, the Australia team has been sent. Let's pray for them. For the latest news is from above URL.
“Hakuba Synergoi Camp Introduction Movie” is uploaded. Please have a look.
海外宣教のためのメッセージと証しとセミナーの通訳の訓練が行われました。写真は証し(体験談)です。 (自閉症の娘さんのいやし&悪霊からの解放の証しでした)
The practical training of bringing a message and sharing a testimony for the overseas mission was held.
A photo is sharing a testimony. The testimony is about her daughter who was cured from ADHD and delivered from evil spirits.
Pastor Isaiah Makoto delivered a message from 2 Chronicles chapter 20, that those who obey God is be pushed to the wall, but we give thanks to God thoroghly ignoring negative thoughts. It is a time to come before God and pray to Him, then, word of God is given, we will see overwhelming victory beyond human understanding.
This is Monday Service of Nagasaki Church. A yong man is leading a congregational praise.
I attended an early morning service of Nagasaki Church. Pastor Yamamoto brought a message from John 5:27-29, that believing the word of God is important thing, then, we will see it will come true.