This is a video, titled "Miraculous story of a little baby's life", a testimony of healing from cerebral infantile palsy.
Have a look.
This is a video, titled "Miraculous story of a little baby's life", a testimony of healing from cerebral infantile palsy.
Have a look.
明日は天神4丁目、正友ビル2Fで、13:30~14:10にいやしの集会をもちます。心と身体のいやしのためにお祈りします。どなたでもお気軽にいらしてください(入場無料) ブログ「いやしの恵みⅢ」をどうぞ→ http://healing140810.blogspot.jp/
Tomorrow, Healing Ministry is held from 1:00pm. to 2:10pm. at 2F Masatomo Bldg. (Tenjin 4-chome).
We pray for your healing of mind and body. Everyone is invited.(Admission is free).
Have a look at a blog of this meeting.
明日(日曜)の礼拝は天神4丁目の正友ビル・で行います。どなたでもお気軽においでください。 第1礼拝9:35~、第2礼拝11:00~(子どものクラスもあります)、今週の午後礼拝15:00~、第3礼拝19:00~は場所が変わります。詳しくは教会へ092-732-7362)。また、平日礼拝は月曜14:00から行います。場所等、詳しくは教会までお尋ねください→http://www.tlccc.net/~fukuoka/
Tomorrow's Sunday Service is held at Masatomo Bldg. of 4 chome,Tenjin, Fukuoka city. Everone is invited. The 1st service starts at 9:35a.m.,the 2nd 11:00a.m.,(We have children's class), afternoon service starts at 3:0p.m., we change a place of 3rd service which starts at 7:00p.m. Call us for more information.Tell:092-732-7362
オンタイム(生中継)礼拝はこちら→ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A1%E3%81%AE%E5%86%A0%E7%A6%8F%E5%B2%A1%E6%95%99%E4%BC%9Atv
You can join our worship service live broadcast(Only Japanese). Click, an icon above
Today, I found a rainbow again!
Prayer meeging for worship service of tomorrow was blessed. Then, staffs meeting is coming in the afternoon.