ブログ「いざ!コンサートへ ♫」~その前にちょっと一服~ は明日で終了します。是非、最後までご覧下さい。(^O^) ♪ → http://fjconcert140831.blogspot.jp/
A blog about a concert will be finished untill tomorrow. Do not miss it.
Photo: MasatomoBldg, a venue of tomorrow's concert.
ブログ「いざ!コンサートへ ♫」~その前にちょっと一服~ は明日で終了します。是非、最後までご覧下さい。(^O^) ♪ → http://fjconcert140831.blogspot.jp/
A blog about a concert will be finished untill tomorrow. Do not miss it.
Photo: MasatomoBldg, a venue of tomorrow's concert.
写真ニュースより→ 旭川カリスマ聖会で、脳挫傷の影響で長い間右足があがらなかった方が、祈りの直後に右足があがるようになり、喜んでおられました。主のいやしを感謝いたします。 北海道聖会ブログはこちら→ http://astone.tv/events/hokkaido201408/
From TLCCC Photo News;
In the Asahikawa Holy Meeting, the person whose right leg had not been able to be raised for a long time because of cerebral contusion, got glad that the right leg became able to be raised just after prayer.
We give thanks for performance of the Lord’s healing.
Click for a blog of Hokkaido Holy Conference from above URL.
明日(日曜)の礼拝は天神4丁目の正友ビル・で行います。どなたでもお気軽においでください。 第1礼拝9:35~、第2礼拝11:00~(子どものクラスもあります)、今週の午後礼拝15:00~、第3礼拝19:00~は場所が変わります。詳しくは教会へ092-732-7362)。また、平日礼拝は月曜14:00から新光ビルで行います。場所等、詳しくは教会までお尋ねください→http://www.tlccc.net/~fukuoka/
Tomorrow's Sunday Service is held at Masatomo Bldg. of 4 chome,Tenjin, Fukuoka city. Everone is invited. The 1st service starts at 9:35a.m.,the 2nd 11:00a.m.,(We have children's class), afternoon service starts at 3:0p.m., we change a place of 3rd service which starts at 7:00p.m. Call us for more information.Tell:092-732-7362
11:00からのオンタイム(生中継)礼拝はこちら→ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A1%E3%81%AE%E5%86%A0%E7%A6%8F%E5%B2%A1%E6%95%99%E4%BC%9Atv
You can join our worship service live broadcast(Only Japanese). Click, an icon above
Cham Tom, the Cambodia orphanage, passed the entrance examination for the junior high school ( a Christian school) without a hitch.
Cham Tom is one of HIV-positive children, and will be a junior high school student this time (while it is estimated majority of children die after about five years of disease.)
Thank you for your prayer and support you have done with all of our hearts!
We wish you to continue your prayer and support more!